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farting before being comfortable enough for sex?


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Farting is a bodily function. Nowt wrong with it.


true. but not everything has to be done in public. you usually don't clip your toenails on the bus, or floss your teeth at the table of a restaurant. you also don't pee on a plant in the restaurant either! unless you're really drunk i guess....

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true. but not everything has to be done in public. you usually don't clip your toenails on the bus, or floss your teeth at the table of a restaurant. you also don't pee on a plant in the restaurant either! unless you're really drunk i guess....


But I would clip my toenails in front of my SO and floss my teeth even if he was in the bathroom. I really don't think the question is about public farting... just farting around your SO. I feel like sex would be way more personal and revealing than farting!

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Some of you are just proving further that you are missing the whole point of this thread.


No, you wouldn't do certain things in public, or you would try your best to avoid doing them (such as passing gas), but would you feel comfortable enough with your SO to do so in front of them? And would those who currently have sex with their SO feel comfortable enough to pass gas in front of them, since sex is way more intimate, IMO. That was my question.


Also, you wouldn't give a blowjob to your boyfriend in public, so why in private? It we are going to go by that logic. Again, different set of behavioural standards to what is done in public, and then when you and your SO are alone.


I don't think flicking boogers at your SO is the same as passing wind... one is a deliberate, un-necessary act and one (farting) you sometimes cannot help to do. What do you do if you're watching a movie together on the couch and you need to pass gas? To get up and excuse yourself to go to another room, to me, is just awkward behaviourv for two people who are apparently in a close relationship, and further proves my point that you can't feel THAT comfortable with them if you have to avoid doing it. Personally, I try to avoid doing so in front of others if I can, but with your SO there is a different set of comfortableness standards.


And I don't get why some members are getting uptight about talking about passing wind (which EVERYONE does), yet apparently find no problem with others talking about other sexual acts, such as how many penises can fit in a vagina at once. (Nothing wrong with talking about that, if you like, though.)


I didn't mean to get worked up about this, but I don't appreciate it when my thread's question is turned around into something it wasn't meant to be.



But I would clip my toenails in front of my SO and floss my teeth even if he was in the bathroom. I really don't think the question is about public farting... just farting around your SO. I feel like sex would be way more personal and revealing than farting!

Exactly! Thank you, Firiel, for getting what I am saying as others here obviously don't!

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I haven't gotten to that point yet in my life. I know my potential bf has gotten himself really comfortable in front of me a few times. He dishes those silent but deadly ones. I remember the first time he farted in front of me. Let me tell you, I wanted to head for the hills!


Who knows? I'll probably get to the point where I'm comfortable enough to let loose like he does, lol!

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After our 3rd weekend, she was working in the kitchen, and let one go. I asked her..."did you just fart?" She said yes, it was spontaneuous, sorry. But you've had your head between my legs, as you've had mine, so what's the difference now that we're comfortable with each other?

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Do you think it's a good idea to not start a sexual relationship with someone until you are both comfortable farting in front of one another?


I'm being totally serious. Think about it - sex is the most intimate of acts and if you can't pass wind in front of your SO, then sex is going to be more embarrassing, what with queefs and all...


I am never going to be comfortable enough to do that in front of anyone! I feel that while the honeymoon period can't last forever, it doesn't mean that you should completley destroy the image That's just my opinion though, I find flatulance really off-putting. Also I am lucky enough to never queef!

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I feel that while the honeymoon period can't last forever, it doesn't mean that you should completley destroy the image


This is sort of how I feel. I'm not exactly uptight but I want to maintain a little feminine mystery. I'm not one of those people who could go to the bathroom in front of their SO either. The most sacred thing I've done with him is shaved while he was in the shower with me, not in a sexual way but just because it needed doing!


That and - I think queefs don't really count here, because they don't tend to smell like farts do! They're just trapped air, not internal gases

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Oh my god..this is ridiculous. It's a normal bodily function and while I don't flaunt it..it freakin' happens sometimes..I remember thinking "omg, ew..i'll never do that!" when I was like..12..?


My boyfriend still thinks i'm hot even though I..gasp..pass gas like everyone else does every once in a while. I couldn't be with a person who couldn't accept that.

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true. but not everything has to be done in public. you usually don't clip your toenails on the bus, or floss your teeth at the table of a restaurant. you also don't pee on a plant in the restaurant either! unless you're really drunk i guess....


Most people don't fart on a plant either. Unless they're really drunk.


It's just one of those things....sometimes a person can't help it and one just slips out. I'd much rather a lady feel comfortable enough with me to be able to do that rather than holding it in and it becoming almost painful. Holding gas/wind in can actually be quite uncomfortable.


I dunno....maybe it's my profession. I've lost count of the old ladies and gents I go to and as you stand them up one pops out.....We always stifle a laugh but I have enough respect and humility to ignore it and accept it as something their body needs to do to remain healthy. Because that's essentially what it is. In an ideal world it'd be nice if everyone could excuse themselves but it's not and I would much rather make a person as comfortable as possible and if that involved putting up with a noise or a smell sometimes then so be it.


But then...I put up with puke, wee, poo, blood and sputum most days too so.....A fart is a picnic in the park compared to some of that....

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I agree about keeping some type of "feminine mystique" even when in a close relationship. I don't think I'd ever be able to use a toilet, or you know, change a pad or tampon in front of my partner, even if we were married. It's interesting that most guys who have responded don't have a problem with their girls' flatulence, though.

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Out of interest....the people that are responding in horror what would you do if your partner or whatever threw up? In public or at home?


What if they had terrible trapped wind which was making them bloat and was really painful?


What about if they were coughing up crap and had to properly hack it up making that god awful sound and felt terrible?


What about if they had diarrhoea and needed help cleaning themselves up because they were feeling to weak to stand without help?


I mean...jeeze.....Gross stuff happens. It's part of commiting to someone.

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I agree about keeping some type of "feminine mystique" even when in a close relationship. I don't think I'd ever be able to use a toilet, or you know, change a pad or tampon in front of my partner, even if we were married. It's interesting that most guys who have responded don't have a problem with their girls' flatulence, though.


Well, yeah..there's some things like changing of tampons that I won't do in front of him unless I had to..but to me, that's a very personal issue that i'm sure he wouldn't enjoy being exposed to..


and I don't really feel that comfortable with going number 2 in front of him..but I have before.


He will also be in the room when I give birth to our child, so really..all my feminine 'mystique' will fly out the door when my legs are spread and a baby + several other lovely bodily fluids will be expelled from my hoohaw..

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Out of interest....the people that are responding in horror what would you do if your partner or whatever threw up? In public or at home?


What if they had terrible trapped wind which was making them bloat and was really painful?


What about if they were coughing up crap and had to properly hack it up making that god awful sound and felt terrible?


What about if they had diarrhoea and needed help cleaning themselves up because they were feeling to weak to stand without help?


I mean...jeeze.....Gross stuff happens. It's part of commiting to someone.




I can understand during a new relationship..or just a 'dating' relationship..but when you're committed to someone..crap happens..no pun intended.

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We have to accept that sometimes one just"slips out." Happens. No biggie. But if you make it a point not to be a gentleman or woman about it all the time, that's trouble.


It takes 2 seconds to say "excuse me", head to the bathroom, and return. It's manners.


In my H.O.

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until you are both comfortable farting in front of one another?


I don't get this...and you see it all the time..."we are so comfortable together we fart at each other from 10 paces"


If that is your measurement of the depth of a relationship, something has gone haywire with your radar. Are you close to your mom? Do you let rip in front of her? As a sign of the depth of your love for her?


Here is the thing...farting in front of someone is lazy and disrespectful. To me it says "I care so little about you that I am going to simply let myself go in your presence."


I can't think of something that would kill my sexual appetite for someone faster (well maybe if they decided they wanted to start vomiting on me).

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Well....there's being a fool and purposely farting in your SO's face or forcing their head under the duvet after you've let one go.....or there's accidently letting one go and saying "excuse me"......The latter is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. I'd never chastise someone for that. Even the little old dears.....and some of theirs stink!!!!


And we Brits have a reputation for being uptight and prim and proper. Dear oh dear.

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