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Hi everyone,


I need some input- Since yesterday both my nipples have been hurting, like as if someone squeezed and twisted them to death. I've never had such an experience.


I also hope this is not a symptom of pregnancy. I am on the pill and also use protection. I went to the local clinic today and was reassured not to worry. She also made me take a preg test to make me feel at ease. Although i know it is not effective to take a test , not until you have missed your period. She did check my breasts and examined it and said that they looked fine and healthy and did not find any lumps for sign of cancer.


Has anyone out there expereince soreness in the nipples? It is only my nipples that are tender, the breast itself is fine. I'm scared, this woudln't be a sign of pregnancy would it? I should expect my period in about 11 days.


Please help. Thank you so much

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Depending on your age this could be a normal thing entirley. If you are still "growing" so to speak it may be attributed to that. I would not imagine it to be a serious problem, it could just be that you are producing more hormones than usual and as a result your breasts are a little soar. I would just avoid any unessacary contact with them, e.g. uncomfortably tight shirts, wearing constricting bras ect.

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