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How do you let go of someone great?

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So for those who don't know;


My ex and I broke up 2 months ago. We tried to work things out a few weeks ago and yet again I screwed it up.


My question is.. is it possible to heal through low contact? I CANNOT go NC with this guy. He is the most amazing person in my life. Honestly. The reason we broke up had everything to do with me. I've hurt him more times than I can count, and he's forgiven them all. I've told him that I don't want us to talk anymore, and he'll usually go for it but will say that "I'm selfish because I know us not talking will hurt him". I know he cares a lot about me and still wants me in his life as a friend, so how am I supposed to just tell him to go away? Especially after all the hurt and pain we've been through, and after all he's put up with from me. Wouldn't it be that the year and a half we dated and all the heart we put in to it, would be for nothing?


Noone in my life cares for me like him. Yes he had his share of problems in the relationship too.. I'm not in denial. But I abused him to no end, accused him of everything in the book, (there were good times as well, not just me being terrible lol), and he still cares.


I'm not sure what to do

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I like you am in the same situation...ex gf of 3.5 yrs and i broke up the first week of this month..I want her back but I can't just be friends with her, so I say nc or lc if u absolutely have to talk to this person..just keep it fun don't talk about anything heavy and try to joke or make each other laugh.I was the only person always there for her..vice versa so it's been hard but u just gotta remember the great times u had and be optomistic not pessimistic & if it's meat to be it will, just late nature run it's course...u can heal through lc u just have to be diciplined and focus more on bettering yourself & u, having that person there IF u need them is a plus. U can check my post

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Sounds like this guy is co-dependent..can't let go of someone who treats him badly. Some time away from each other would be a very good idea. You need to sort out why you keep hurting the person who cares about you, and he needs to sort out why he would so desperately cling to someone who treats him badly. This is not a healthy situation.

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Sounds like this guy is co-dependent..can't let go of someone who treats him badly. Some time away from each other would be a very good idea. You need to sort out why you keep hurting the person who cares about you, and he needs to sort out why he would so desperately cling to someone who treats him badly. This is not a healthy situation.


I agree with this. Cutting you off or at least severely limited contact would be healthy.

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