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**There have been some new events in my relationship. Please tell me what I should do**


*My GF talks about past BF's. Mostly bad stuff about them and how I'm better but sometimes its stuff like "Me and so-and-so did this once without my mom hearing us" or "one time i woke up to (getting oral)" This is annoying and upsetting me.


*How can I tell her it upsets me w/o offending her or hurting our relationship and communication? We both love the fact that we can talk about anything and I dont want her to feel that that's not the case.


*I love her soooo much and she loves me too. We were best friends before dating. I can see us together for a long time and I want to be that way. I love our relationship except for this problem. Please help me in any way. Thank you



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Your g/f sounds like a sex fiend to me . Waking up to oral sex, never heard anyone doing that before. About telling your girlfriend; just tell exactly what you told us in this post. Tell her how it makes you feel and why you don't like hearing about it. How you love how you can talk about anything but you get tired of hearing about her sex trips with her other b/f's. Just tell her what you said in your post if that is how you really feel. Your g/f might be trying to tell you that what she likes. Maybe the chance of being caught excits her, and maybe she likes when people surprise her and do odd things (waking up to oral is very odd sounds to me).


Good luck.

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Isn't that annoying? I dated a girl once that couldn't go one day without mentioning her ex-boyfriend and I eventually dumped her because of it. First, you shouldn't worry about whether she is going to be offended because what she is doing is completely obnoxious and unfair to you. I would start by asking her to explain why the hell she thinks you want to hear about her waking up to oral sex from her ex-boyfriend. Believe me, if you don't make it perfectly clear that you just don't want to hear about it, she'll keep doing it and it will get VERY annoying.

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The waking up to oral thing didnt come out of nowhere. I shad had her remind me to set my alarm and then we got talking about sleeping/waking up adn some other stuff so it wasnt like she came up to me randomly and said that.


As her close friend I was aware that she was intimate with a couple other guys. Its kinda worse b/c, being in High School, I know some of them. I, though I'd rather when we had sex it was the 1st time for both of us, am fine with her past. I just dont like her bringing it up.


My main worry in all this is that she'll always be thinking of her XBF's and experiences with them. I can honestly see us dating for a really long time. Do girls eventually let what happened in the past "die". This is hypothetical but if we were to get engaged/married some day (or me with any girl for that matter) would she always be thinking about the past???

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