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Feeling Like Im Not Good Enough....

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You know, for the past few years, ive always struggled with self-worth. ive been hurt so many times by men, ive always thought of myself and carried myself so much less than i should. I've been doing alot better...i actually just recently moved out of state in order to start a whole new life, and its been great, but i guess the trouble still seems to follow me.


A few weeks ago, a good friend of mine came to visit me from Detroit. I told him before he came, i really want to get to know him better in hopes that someway, somehow, maybe something good can come out of it. he agreed thats what he wanted too. He came and we had such a good time, talked about a lot of things, and got to know eachother really well. turns out we have a lot in common. He left on a Sunday, and i found myself really sad that he left. He said he would come visit me again as soon as he had the chance. Well that next day, i found out (by his facebook status update) that he was in a relationship. the post said this, "i cant let a good thing slip away, to all the millions of women that like me...this is gonna be tough..." i knew right away that he wasnt referring to me. Well a couple minutes later, knowing that i read his update, he texted me and said, "im sorry, i wanted to tell you...." i texted back and said, "but you didnt...and thats all that matters. have a nice life"


I was really hurt by what he did. Honestly, it didnt really have anything to do with him now being in a relationship with someone else, it was the fact that he knew he was interested in someone before he came to visit me, yet he said absolutely nothing to me, leaving me completely blind to the whole situation. He's here, and im thinking about how we can possibly make this work, and he has his mind on someone else. This is what i have struggled with for so long. When he did that, he made me feel like i wasnt worthy enough of knowing the truth. He might as well of said to me, "i could care less about your feelings".


I know i am a good woman, and i know i have alot to offer a man, but situations like these make me feel so unworthy and my self-esteem goes to an ultimate low. anyone out there understand how i am feeling???

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....situations like these make me feel so unworthy and my self-esteem goes to an ultimate low. anyone out there understand how i am feeling???


Bravegirl, you are not alone. I am feeling the same way tonight.


That's how it is when someone lets you down, someone you really cared about, and a relationship that showed promise just falls apart seemingly overnight.


I have been through so many ups and downs this past couple of weeks, it really has been mentally exhausting. But tonight I'm down, and I'm not feeling too hot about myself. I feel pretty much like a big loser, and a stupid one at that.


I hope these feelings you and I are having will pass soon.

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