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Are shy guys hesitant to touch the girl they like?


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I'm pretty sure this guy likes me. He teases me , he comes into my personal space, he always interrupts me when he sees me talking to another guy. We were together and a dinner party and sitting near each other and he was totally in my personal space and leaning into me, like bumping shoulders half the time. He is touchy feely with all his female friends, he hugs them and kisses them on the cheek but he never does that with me. He stands next to me when someone takes a picture of the bunch of us but he doesnt put his arm around me, like he does with other girls. I know he likes me and is attracted to me physically, I can tell the way he looks at me. So why is he so hesitant to touch me?

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I'm pretty sure this guy likes me. He teases me , he comes into my personal space, he always interrupts me when he sees me talking to another guy. We were together and a dinner party and sitting near each other and he was totally in my personal space and leaning into me, like bumping shoulders half the time. He is touchy feely with all his female friends, he hugs them and kisses them on the cheek but he never does that with me. He stands next to me when someone takes a picture of the bunch of us but he doesnt put his arm around me, like he does with other girls. I know he likes me and is attracted to me physically, I can tell the way he looks at me. So why is he so hesitant to touch me?


He does exactly the same with his females friends.......

How would you feel if he carried on being touchy feely with his female friends?


Just something to think about.

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Because he likes you and is nervous around you. He doesn't like those other girls and isn't nervous. People pay closer attention to themselves and their actions when they are around the person that they want to impress. They are usually constantly thinking of how they look, what they say, what they do, etc...

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It's a logical reaction isn't it? If this guy likes you so much, he's going to second-guess his actions around you. He's going to try to avoid screwing up his chances. And sometimes this all backfires on him.


This can be said for virtually everyone since as calculating and self-motivated humans we tend to treat special people in special ways, and if that means avoiding doing some quirks then so be it. Otherwise us guys would be treating our girlfriends the same way we treat our mothers, buddies, etc. Could you imagine living in a world like that?

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Yup. For ages, I was afraid to make physical contact with a girl, even if I was just posing with one for a photo and I would just have my arm around her shoulder. There's a certain "forbidden" quality about women when you're not used to their company. It's as if you're afraid of offending them or making some sort of social faux pas.


It's a little irrational, I grant you, but to the shy person, it's better to be safe than sorry. The bottom line is, they're not used to being around the gender they like. It's foreign territory, so conservative measures are taken.

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