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I have a couple of questions about working out and dieting. Ok I have never worked out a day in my life so 2 days ago I bought a gazelle by tony little and its supposed to be very low impact but I feel bad pain on my knees and back is this normal? and I dont feel the so called burn does that mean that I'm not doing something right? And I know they say start of slow like 3 to 4 times aweek for 30 min. but I want to do more is that ok or could it hurt me? And one more thing I'm 23 189 lbs. and my diet indicates a 1600 calorie per day but I noticed that people that weight less have to eat less why is that is it because I have to burn more calories or what someone please help I'm desperate here thanks so much for taking time to read this!



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If your just starting excercising, it's recommended that you consult a doctor first, especially if your feeling this pain because that isn't normal. If your goal is to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than your taking in. But remember if your doing a lot of excercise you need to be eating enough for your body to function properly. A healthy diet and a good excercise regimen are key to physical fitness!

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I would consult a physician as well! If your knee is bothering you I would definitely consider slowing down your exercise regimen a little bit and getting it checked out. Other little things you can do in the meantime is walking instead of driving to some places, or even parking further away from the entrances of places for extra walking.


Good luck!

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i got a question. I noticed that my shoulder arent even and my abs arent even as well. Is ther eanyway to fix this, like going to doctor and they might give me something liek a back harness or something? I know its all in my genes but im trying to find a way to fix my un even shoulders because they make all my musclees unevean. My pecks arent even my abs arent and it shows if i flex. anything i can do?

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  • 4 weeks later...
my shoulders are uneven aswell but its bcuz my school bag is a shoulder 1 and its made my shoulders lop-sided. i also need some help with this.

any ideas???

thnx xxx emma xxx


Yes Emma, a simple fix! Get a two strapped bag ot swap shoulders regularly.

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OK I took some classes for fitness, since I'm going to start as well, and the reasons that your knees and back are hurting is because you don't streatch here is what you do for your knees:


Do a lot of squats, buts since your knees are bad, I recommend doing some stairs, just go up and down from them, after your get good(3 months or so) start doing squats, you do squats by sitting down, but you don't actually sit on anything you just pretend, and if its too easy for you...

for guys you usually put a bar with weights on your shoulders, and for girls your get free weights on your arms(just hold them on your side), not too heavy weights either, I recommend 20-30 pound weights.


And for your back, do some stretching, stand streight and reach for your toes (without bending your knees), go as far as you can, if the back of your knees start to hurt , don't go any further, and remember that its not suppost to hurt and you are over doing yourself.


Hope this helps.

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i got a question. I noticed that my shoulder arent even and my abs arent even as well. Is ther eanyway to fix this, like going to doctor and they might give me something liek a back harness or something? I know its all in my genes but im trying to find a way to fix my un even shoulders because they make all my musclees unevean. My pecks arent even my abs arent and it shows if i flex. anything i can do?


Its just your anatomy. Some peoples abs dont line up correctly, there's nothing you can really do about it. If your spinal column is not lined up correctly you may want to see a doctor about that.

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