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Better the second time around


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Well it might be too soon to say that but so far so good. Anyway I would like to share my GBT story because I remember always scoping out for good successful stories on this board during my break up.


We were together for 4 years and lived together for 3 out of the 4. About 9 months go he broke up with me but I knew it was coming. The last year was pretty rough. He needed some space, I became irritable and resentful that I was doing the "wifely" duties without being a wife, we were both stress in our jobs and school. He walked. I cried and I was angry but I never begged. Finally I collected myself, concentrated on myself, started hanging out with my friends more often, took time out for myself, and dated a little.


Once in a while I would get a courtesy email. I guess it was his way of holding on to me. I'm not sure. Well 5 weeks ago we went out for our first date. Since then we have seen each other about 2-3 times a week, daily text messages, and in the mean time just having a great time together and getting to know each other all over again. I really believed the time apart and our own personal growth really was so beneficial for us.


My approach was to have him see me as a new better person, which I really feel is true. I believe that my confidence showed him the person he feel in love with. I have forgiven him for leaving because during my healing process I knew if I didn't I would never heal. Of course I have been cautious and not totally follow his lead. I didn't want to jump all in only for him to be scared off and I am left at square one.


Now things are great. Last night we finally had the talked. Of course if it was my choice I would have done it a while ago because I hate being in limbo. He was the one who brought it up. After dinner last night he looked at me and said that things are different but different good. He said that it is so much better this time around like we have a better and deeper understanding of what we both need. Then he told me that he loves me and that he never stopped loving me.


I still don't know what the future holds for us, but I have a positive outlook. I know what I did wrong in the relationship and what I need to work on in order for us to have a strong relationship. I also have faith that he will do the same.


I hope that everyone finds peace in their heartache eventually. Even if my ex and I weren't trying to work things out, I was still happy in my life. I realized that only I am the only one who can find my own happiness. I also know that it was my insecurities that ran him off and it was my self worth and security that brought him back. Good Luck to everyone!!

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*pulls out the party streamers*


"I realized that only I am the only one who can find my own happiness. "

Is something I've learnt from my last breakup too!


Don't know where things are going with that ex, its a horrid situation. Wouldn't say I'm unhappy with my life, even though sometimes the difficult situation with him can be upsetting.

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