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20, never had a girlfriend, still a virgin

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Thanks man. The only way I can forgive a girl like that is through time and proof. I won't just welcome her back with open arms...and we will be FRIENDS. Cannot trust them to be a suitable mate. Even so, the hurt is still there and I NEVER forget. And yes, it is very ridiculous. Can't trust someone like that so easily. As long as you don't forget what happened to ya, the BS won't come as easily.

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I want to say I agree with what everybody is saying here..I'm 20 and in the same boat as the rest of you guys..


What kills me is I have been played 2 times now by girls who Love to flirt and lead me on all the while they go back to the comfort security of their bf's and not giving a rip about the guy's feelings they just played with..I mean what the __ huh? I mean they just don't get how bad that hurts It gets really irritating goin to school and seein all these pretty boys all talkin to these girls with this look on their face that says "yea look what I got you'll never get this good"..


I've been told time and again your a good looking guy why don't u just go out here and there and blah blah blah well it don't matter..the girls aren't there where I am or they obviously don't want me..their all too busy partyin with their bf's or on a regular one nite stand with someone they just met and hooked up with..I'm about ready to say forget it and go on and concentrate on work and my career..atleast I'll have all my money to myself and not have to worry about spending it on someone who could very well end up leaving me for some better guy anyways...


Just my 2 cents to it all


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Alright guys, I hope you're going in my direction. I'm currently going to start living my life literally around me. I will not be another person whining about how girls treated me wrong, it will actually be the other way around, "That Mr. Agent guy came over last night for a few drinks and I never heard from him again."


Sorry guys, it's a kill or be killed world. I'm no longer going to try and be the understanding and caring guy. I've tried that. It doesn't work. I hope that when I get out of college I use my intelligence to use people, and buy cars. That's all that's left in the world. Buying crap I don't need and sleeping around.


You don't have to follow per se but understand where I'm coming from.



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I really don't want ya do go down the road like that but I guess it's gotta be done even though I don't approve of it but I cannot and do not wish to control your actions. Heck, even I thought about turining to the darkside once but I decided to keep my kindness just for a little bit longer and hope that I can get somewhere with these girls. This just proves my point as to why most guys nowadays want to sleep around. Because former nice guys get trashed and so they feel as if there is no other way to go but the road our friend johnagent has taken. Try to reconsider man but if you don't change your mind just do us this one favor.....don't mess it up for the rest of the nice guys and sorry that it had to come down to this. I understand fully where you are coming from but I don't want to go down that road....good luck man.

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OMG JOHN!!!!!!! I hope to God that you aren't serious! Because if you are, I've just lost all respect for you hun! You REALLY ARE a great guy! I'm not just saying that. I have valued everything you've said until now. Don't you think even just one girl's respect is better than no respect at all? You DO realize that guys like that are complete panzees, right? They let people walk all over them, using their money and possessions as an excuse. I HOPE that you're not serious about this! How could you sit here this whole time and talk about how much you hate guys like that, and then say that you're willing to be like them?! What ever happened to standing up for morals and views?! You know what this is?! This is GIVING IN!!!!! I can't believe you'd even think it... I am so sad right now that I don't know what to think.

Titan, let me just say this to YOU... you're evil! Yup, that's right! Evil evil evil! It's men like you who give men a bad name!

Outlaw and Lonely.... guess what! Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. DEAL WITH IT!

*sigh* You guys make me so sad sometimes. I'm a fixer. I feel useless when I can't fix the problem. I came in here hoping that I might be able to give you guys a little boost... Show you guys that there ARE nice girls out there who will love you exactly the way you are!

You know, I wonder... you talk about "trying this method" or "trying that method"... "trying to be the nice guy", "trying to be the confident guy"... why not try to be exactly who you are? You all say that you won't change for the people around you, but that's exactly what you've been doing. Just focus on being yourselves!

I personally don't believe that people who are meant to be alone their whole lives would have such a desperate need to be loved. I believe that if you want it so badly, that means that there is someone out there for you. But you have to be willing to expand a little, and to climb over these obstacles to find her! You guys have to rise above all of this crap and prove that you can do anything you want! And if you're patient and you believe... She really will appear one day.

Outlaw... I think you ought to reconsider the things I say. Want to hear a story? I could have, and maybe should have hated me for a long time. I was raped when I was 12 years old by a boy that I had a big crush on. I doubt any of you guys have ever been raped, but I guarantee you that it leaves you feeling worse about yourself and about life than being rejected by a few girls does. You know what? I CHOSE not to be afraid. I CHOSE not to give up. And LOOK where it brought me. If a 12 year old girl can do it, I'm pretty sure that you guys can too. Reconsider the things I say. They're not unfounded.

The word love gets abused a lot, but not by me. I really do love and respect most of you- as a friend of course. But only the ones who deserve it. John... I really hope that you still fit into that category.

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There was one thing that our new poster Adam said that stood out to me. He said, "I'm about ready to say forget it and go on and concentrate on work and my career". And it got me to thinking. What are we suppose to be doing at our age? I think it's working to become the person we're going to be for the rest of our lives! We should be working on our plans for the future. Preparing us for what's to come in life with knowledge and skills. Once you earn a degree, you have it forever. Unfortunately love isn't like that. You'd be lucky to find someone to spend your WHOLE life with. They're out there. But look at those divorce rates, look at all those single parents out there. I don't think you should give up hope. But you can't go out and work for love like you can for a career. Love comes at it's own time whether you like it or not. And love only comes when you are being yourself. PAdreamer is right. Stop trying different ways to get these girls. Be yourself. That's one thing you got forever. It's truly yours. Your beliefs, morals, personality, etc. Don't go and change it for a bunch of girls you don't even know. I mean if you have to change yourself for them, they're not worth it anyways. John, how would you live with yourself going to do what your saying your going to do, knowing that's not really who you are? You're just creating a whole new set of problems. Please take good care of yourself.


Lonleynshy, I'm glad to hear you stood up for yourself. All that time it took to get over her so why the heck would you take her back only to most likely have to get over her again? " I fell out of love with you." and all that so sorry i hurt you take me back stuff. HA! Sometimes sorry doesn't cut it. Falling out of love is the worst excuse. Did she feel she was too good enough to admit she's a stupid idiot, a b**ch? With every break-up comes a lesson. She learned from her recent relationship that she never should've dumped the good guy and go out with an a**hole. Your lesson from her... don't stick around with those who obviously have a problem not knowing what they want. Or too blind to see what a great thing they have when they have it. They'll just end up hurting you. It's their problem if they're stupid. It DOESN'T have to be yours.


Someones wishing they could give you guys a hug over here. You guys need hugs. Take care! Because Frail says so!

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Ya john that is a horrible way to go mang even if like 70 percent of girls go out with guys like that but who cares there are still 30 percent left probably.Imma stay the same way my whole life and ill be proud of it no matter what even if i'll be a lonely bast**d.Cause when i get depressed all i have to do is pop a happy pill every night to not feel depressed because it takes away pessimistic thoughts.Like when i woke up and i havent tooken a pill i started to feel very depressive but then i popped one when i got home i started to feel very good.Were u one of those ugly guys or one of those guys that has pretty good looks but doesnt understand girls.R u gonna be one of those guys that gives into these problems just to be a messed up jerk who uses women.Cause if u do that i wont have any respect for a guy like u.If u have good looks then uses u messed up a hole because i wish i had what u have if u do.I hate people like u who do that kind of like some of my friends its bullcrap all u do is listen to your homoranl instincts and think with your little head no control.U gonna have no respect for yourself over time and no one will have any respect for you if u ever start that way of life.

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Outlaw and Lonely.... guess what! Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. DEAL WITH IT!


Those were somewhat jokes AND it is the name of a book so I would not take that statement too serious.




You know, I wonder... you talk about "trying this method" or "trying that method"... "trying to be the nice guy", "trying to be the confident guy"... why not try to be exactly who you are? You all say that you won't change for the people around you, but that's exactly what you've been doing. Just focus on being yourselves!


So basically when you say we try things we are not being ourselves. So that means when you are trying to "fix" things in here with the upset guys, you are not being yourself. When Tiger Woods tries to be the best at golf, he is trying to be something else. When someone is trying to pay off a bill they are trying to be like someone else. See where I am going with this? All the methods I have tried were from MY default behavior; what I was born with. All ideas I came up with FROM MY OWN HEAD and not just to try and pick up a girl. As I have said at least twenty million times in my last posts, I suffer from somewhat low-self-esteem but I can bring up some confidence to try to help myself. Even though I say "trying" to be a nice guy, I am saying that that is what I do, not that it is something I WANT to be because I AM a nice guy, I don't have to try and be one. I change for NO ONE. Maybe I might switch around a few things like be a little bit more social and whanot but I don't change my whole attitude.


I was raped when I was 12 years old by a boy that I had a big crush on. I doubt any of you guys have ever been raped, but I guarantee you that it leaves you feeling worse about yourself and about life than being rejected by a few girls does. You know what? I CHOSE not to be afraid. I CHOSE not to give up. And LOOK where it brought me. If a 12 year old girl can do it, I'm pretty sure that you guys can too.


I am sorry to hear about that.... And yes you could have hated all guys but this is kinda different from what we are talking about. I am sure that even at a young age, you know something like that such as rape is performed by a highly stupid and desperate guy, wheras being stabbed in the back during an actual relationship is very common and can be performed by ANYONE. Most people don't have the audacity to rape another but alot of people do have the intestina fortitude to cheat, lie, etc. So that was slightly off target but I do get what you are saying.


Johnagent, I don't mean to sound like a hypocrite (cuz I actually considered doing the same thing you did somewhat at one time) but those type of guys are complete punks. They realize they can never get a girl the RIGHT way. It also means you let the ___hole girls win. But I guess you are living by the "Can't beat them, join them." rule. I try to instill in my head that there is a slight chance of being with someone even while being the pathetic soul I am. Out of several billion females, there MUST be one....I say hold out just a lil longer Johnagent, I know you tired of the BS but just give it a chance man.

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After browsing this forum for about a month now, I figure it's about time I do a little post in here. (Just hope no one recognizes me here )

I am in the same boat as some of the guys here. I've never had a relationship with a girl. A lot of this had to do with my low self-confidence and being pretty damn shy and introverted. I have never asked a girl out on a date or anything like that. For the most part, I've always kept to myself and the couple of close friends I've had. Well, all through out high school I was pretty overweight. This obviously adds to my introvertedness and low self esteem, etc. I know what its like feeling isolated and such. Now I am 20 years old and have finally figured that it's time to improve myself. The last couple of years I've tried to stick with eating right and working out consistently, I would lose some weight and then go back to my old habits. Well, you could call it a new years resolution or whatever, but starting on January 12th of this year I finally started up again with my mission of a new healthy lifestyle. Since January 12th I have lost 55lbs. I started at 270lbs (I'm approx. 6' tall exactly) and am now down to 215lbs. The consistency of my eating right and working out has payed off, but I still feel somewhat depressed and just can't get out of my shell of being shy and introverted.

Losing weight has obviously been a good thing for me, but my confidence is still low because I guess it has to do with what most of us do, and that is compare ourselves to others and what they have.

I guess my question is this, or just let me know if any of you have been in or are in similar situations:

How did you defeat your shyness?

Even while I'm at college, I just can't get the nerve to talk to just about anyone in my class. I know its dumb, and I see that everyone else is pretty much just human like I am. Even my buddy will invite me to go to a party or whatever, and I always make an excuse not to go because I have such extreme anxiety and what not.

I just want to know if anyone is in the same boat and what can I do to change my attitude and just say "Screw it, you only live once, just go for it!"

O.K., sorry if this doesnt make any sense or whatever, I'm not used to being this open with anyone, and I would appreciate whatever it is you have to say about this and if you were once stuck like I am. When people that havent seen me for a while, they say how great i look after losing so much weight, but i still have this low self confidence and i just dont know how to get out of it. And ive always heard that its probably irrational for me to look at myslef this way. Because, I've heard people that were in my shoes before say that when they finally did start opening up and start talking to people, they realized that they had extremely irrational thoughts about themsleves, and as it turned out, they were actually the cool people to hang out with after all.

If anyone could share their stories or whatever, it would be awesome.

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i have to tip my hat, you really managed to tackle

this weight issue somehow. Isn' t that a good start at least?

You should gain a great deal of self-confidence having achieved

what not too many people ever will achieve.

But it's only a start, of course. Personally, I ve to deal

with similar problems (as far as weight problems are concerned,

i ve to say i m kind of skinny, which doesn t make girls going

for you as well), and I m a bit older, which should not discourage you anyway. Being just 20, you ve still got lots of time to find out what

your personal strategy about finding friends and girlfriends should look like.

I guess many advisors in this forum already pointed out, that it is

important to have some mates and also some girls being just friends

in the first place. Little partying won t hurt, I think, unless you stay yourself.

If you got a buddy who is going to take you to parties-the better for you.

Just try it out the next time. If you don t have too much fun (there are many people who don t really like certain kinds of parties), you can still leave-

but I mean, you might be talking easier to people in your class who you met somewhere nights.


I don t know how long you re hanging around at college now. But you

should consider going to college being a chance to start a new phase in

your life, know what I mean? I remember I found it great to leave that

school era behind me, and things really got better from that moment,, even if i still have to go a hopefully not too long way.

Good luck!

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Welcome Warner! I'm pretty shy myself. I also go to college and i don't talk to much in class. I never volunteer to answer questions and i don't usually talk the other people there. If i'm lucky i make a few aquantences who take the time to try to talk to me. I'm too shy to say something first but i don't put up too much of a fight when someone trys to talk to me. I used to be painfully shy in high school but in college i've also decided to change. I cut my hair short which suited me alot better, and kicked the habit of wearing cloths that were 5 times to big for me and started to wear things a little more feminine instead of just band shirts and blue jeans. I'm somewhat of a tom-boy still. I also lost some weight. I want to say congradulations to you. That's a great achievement!


My confidence really turned around when i started my job at school. It took a semester but after that i started to come out of my shell because i became very comfortable with everyone there. Then they discovered the crazy nut i am. And i discovered that they really really liked me when i was out of my shell. They made me realize that i am pretty cool. As for outside of work, i haven't progressed to much. Actually what works best for me is going out with the people i'm comfortable with. It's easier talking with new people when i have my friends around for some reason. I have the confidence when i'm with them so my shyness just goes away. The more friends i'm around, the better. I guess that's the only suggestion i can give givin i'm still shy for the most part. Go out with alot of your friends and meet new people while your out. You'll be feeling more comfortable i think. At work i worked up enough courage to be a little aggressive with 2 different guys in terms of asking them to hang out which i've NEVER done before and never thought i could do because i freak around guys. I guess i was just lucky to land the job i did at the time i did with the people who were there.

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I have to head out the door pretty quick, so I don't have time to say everything that i want to say... BUT...

1) I know that "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" is a book and i know you guys were sort of joking. The coment I made was actually just me thinking about a comunication class my dad taught recently. that was the title he gave it: Men are from Earth, Women are from earth... Deal with it! It was all about how men and women simply communicate on different levels and he went through some thought processes that the participants could call upon whenever they weren't understanding another person's point of view. More on that later.

Outlaw, yeah not every person is a rapist. but not every person is a back-stabber either. don't you think that your views of people around you, especially women, could be tainted by past experiences? Maybe you face a situation that feels similar to a bad experience you've already had so you automatically assume it will be the same and you shut down. A lot of people do that too you know.

ALSO, you read my coment about trying COPLETELY wrong. I am not saying that trying is bad1 I try my hardest to schieve my goals every day of y life. Tiger Woods tries to be the best at what he does. But it IS WHAT HE DOES! It's already who he is, he is just trying to iprove his game. Not change it, but just make it as good as it can be. But you guys... ost of you are sweet and shy... I KNOW that John is like that, but look what he says he'd rather do! You guys go out there and are so uncofortable with who you are and how you feel that you try to act confident, or outgoing... Or even like jerks if you feel it's neccesary. That's not iproving who you are, that's trying to change who you are.

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"... No... If you can't beat 'em, be happy with being the odd man out.

Love you guys! More from me later! Sorry no time to edit! M "m" on my keyboard is busted! Have fun with that one! LOL!

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PADreamer makes such a good point!!! You can't change who you are at all! And, as she said, it does seem like a lot of you really aren't as comfortable with who you are as you seem to think. Until you become happy with yourself, you're going to constantly run into bad situations with other guys, or girls, as you progress through life! You need to know and love who YOU are before you can know and love someone else. Otherwise, how do you know if that's really who you want, need, should be with?



Outlaw... just a side note... that disorder you mentioned a few pages back... it's called Charcoat Marie Tooth... it's a neuroligical disorder that affects the legs, feet, hands, and arms. Searching on Google will give you tons of info for anyone who wants to read about it!

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Oh heres how some male breatheren act behind the women and o you'll love how messed up this is.My friend said he laughed at something his brother said the other day.He told me about it and his brother came home one day he said and he had a big smile on his face.Then my friend whats so great that ur smiling about then his brother showed him this piece of paper with a phone number on it.Then he said whats so special bout that phone number and then his brother said "vagina man, vagina"(The other word thats starts with p instead of that Pu^^y).Then he said ya if things dont go right with this other chick then hes gonna hook up with this chick so basically he can tap it(which r his words again)So yah thats lame all together...And uhh his brother been around out with bout 10 girls in the last year and my friend richard prolly about 7 or something.Guys who have had plenty of gf's and who have ones right now.Some of these "nice guys" with good looks and charisma and just think u might be going out with some guys like this ladies that u think r great to be around but nice but they might be using that to bait u in yay!Thats some of the guys u might go for so have fun with the guys that u guys think that r great.

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Thank you NittanyKitten for clearing that up for me. Yes, that is what she had and I still appreciated her knwoing that it could negatively affect her bad later in life and I STILL stayed by her side. Let's see some jock, preppy hotshot do that!


Outlaw, yeah not every person is a rapist. but not every person is a back-stabber either. don't you think that your views of people around you, especially women, could be tainted by past experiences?


This I already know. Whenever I am referring to a group of people, I am talking about MAJORITY. Past experiences rip me apart but I can still make friends easily if I wanted to. As far as relationships with girls go, I am more likely to find a dead squid in my backyard. Some of us are just not meant to be with their special someone....if there is even such thing.


You guys go out there and are so uncofortable with who you are and how you feel that you try to act confident, or outgoing... Or even like jerks if you feel it's neccesary. That's not iproving who you are, that's trying to change who you are.


Okay let me rephrase a past post. We are not pretending to be confident or pretneding to be social. Yes it is a minor change in behavior but it does not overly affect our lives...we don't decide to be shy one day and then b become a crazy party animal for the rest of our lives. So basically what you are telling us is if we try just once in a while to be more open, we are changing who we really are. You are also saying that we must avoid changing how we are so we have no choice but to stay shy and timid if we want to stay ourselves. Technically we should ignore any advice to be confident because we are changing the way we really are, based on what you just said. Well having confidence IS NOT changing who you really are (but it can happen if one decides to be extreme with it). Some of us build some confidence and go for it, some succeed and some don't. But we are the same person we have always been, maybe less shy if we are opened up and successful. So having confidence IS an improvement as long as you do not take it to an extreme level and go out of your way to do so.


I don't really hate myself, I used to though. I just know my faults and don't try to hide it with some stupid optimism (there is a time and place for being positive). I am currently working on my faults but as faras females go, it will not work out...and if it does, it won't last long just like my last relationship. So in the end for some of us, it don't really matter. But one thing I do know....there is a worthy girl out there alive somewhere.....that's the most optimism I will provide myself. That I know.

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Ya thats the little glint of confidence i hold in myself to outlaw that there is one girl out there for me who is thinking about who she'll grow up to marry and love who is mewhile im thinking the same thing about her whoever she is,hope what i feel comes true i guess

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Hey, we may finish last but at least SOMETIMES (and very rarely) we do finish. I try my best to keep hope but I tend to distract myself from females for a while if I notice something is up. That usually gets me through a stressful situation. But it still annoys me that these occurrences are so common. And I have also noticed my jealously is starting to come back.....now everytime I see a couple before me, I envy them...even if it is a worthless guy or girl. But I never show it, I keep it to myself.

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Hello,I have a query regarding "being yourself". A lot of you probably remember my comments on me wanting a virgin because I would not be comfortable with a girl who is not. Would you think I do myself proud by sticking to my morals or am I just being fastidious? (BTW,I am NOT putting down anyone who is not a virgin,girl or guy. It's just that it's my personal preference in a relationship,at least my first real relationship). That then brings up another doubt in me-should I just lose it once and for all to widen the field? Does that mean I'm now 'joining em' because I can't 'beat em'? I mean,there are some beliefs I have that put me in a tiny minority and one of my guy friends told me I was doomed to be a lonely bachelor for life unless I changed my ideas. But I simply can't.


Thank you frail,PAdreamer,Outlaw,Jake and everyone else for your support. I really appreciate it.

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lonelynshy, I think you should stick with what you feel and what you really want. And not go with what "everybody" else is doing. I don't see how anyone would want to "be" with someone they don't truly love.


I think i had an offer 2 weeks ago. It's actually kinda funny. The guy i had mentioned at work who i liked, well, until after i found out he was not what i expected him to be. While we were working (together with no one else around) he made a remark "i need to get laid. Oh did i say that out loud?" out of no where. I mean iw asn't even talking to him. Then he looked over at me with this look. I looked up at him and asked where the el that came from and called him tainted. Made some other comment also. That may have been one of the only times i tryed to purposely make a guy feel bad. I can't believe he said that after a week before, i expressed my feelings for him and told me he just wanted to be friends. Hanging around with the other people at work, he's seeing how many people are so... easy, and not to self-respecting i guess, talking about "it" alot. And it's getting to his head that he has to go out and "lose it" to be what? cool? an adult? i don't know. So i guess my job was to think about it get back to him and say hey wanna come over my place, my dads not home. I don't think so. I used to like the guy. Which i guess can be kinda tempting being as a lonely female i am but now i see him in a whole different light. I lost respect for him. And i definatlly don't love him so why would i "be" with him. That's not what i want. And i'm not about to do something i'm going to regret.

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Wow i cant take a happy pill till i go to sleep tonight and that sux cause the depression coming back yay...Wow man thoughts of myself being ugly again r coming back.Like this one girl that is on vent on the same server with all of us she like saw pictures of how we look by looking at the last lan pics.She pointed out the ones that looked pretty good and stuff and she said something to everyone in there but me.O?so another hint that i am ugly.Why must god make us ugly why me?why?Like i said i dont want to think about girls if i can fullfill my needs as what the stupid instincts want.I just want to put girls away until i can maybe actually get a gf or someone nice.Depression is fun all i want is a happy pill to make me happy again because i cant do it on my own with such a lame life.

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You guys are inspiring.


I haven't got a girlfriend either, am still a virgin at 20, although I've kissed girls before.


I didn't know it was this common. It's so hard for boys especially to actually admit to being a virgin.


I remember when I was back in high school, and all I cared about was sex. My friends were all doing it at the age of 14 and younger. Looking back on it, that's pretty disgusting.


I was always good friends with the girls I fancied, but I felt like Peter Parker from Spider-Man, because the girls I liked ALWAYS dated the bad boys. These guys treated them like crap, and after a while, I gave up on them because a) There was no way I could be like that, and b) They deserved everything they got.


It really annoyed me after a while. What made it worse was the fact that I wanted a NICE girl more than anything - and the only girls I was able to pull were the ones in nightclubs. Sure they looked nice, but even after a few hours of their company, they were nothing but a pretty face, I didn't know them, I can't even remember half of their names. Nightclubs are great for fooling around, but for picking up salt-of-the-earth girls, they are rubbish. It's weird, I could have probably NOT been a virgin as I type this, because man, were some of those girls easy, but the thing is, I didn't want to. Even when I was wasted, something stopped me from going any further.


I can't go much further without finding a good girlfriend. Maybe it's because I have high standards, I dunno. I'd rather find one girl, and fall in love with her for the rest of my life, rather than sleep with a hundred in one night stands. In a way, i'm kinda glad I haven't done either yet.


Trouble is, my relatives seem to have all found a girlfriend at an earlier age. Parents, cousins, aunts, uncles. When I say I still don't have a girlfriend, I feel awful. I think that's the hardest part. I feel like I'm getting pushed into getting a girlfriend "to keep up with the Jones's" as it were. I hate this. I hate being comparred to everyone else. I feel like saying to them "If I don't pick the right one to begin with - why bother?".


I have a few friends that are still with their first girlfriend, and I want to be like them, I think it's awesome. I hate the idea of splitting up. Maybe I'm thinking too far ahead.


I'd make an awesome boyfriend, I'd make a better boyfriend than most of the morons I used to know at high school.


Oh well, at least it shows me I'm not doing too bad after all.

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Life is not about having a GF. It's about living and enjoying yourselfs. STOP obsessing over girls there is nothing special about them that you can't live without. Once you make yourselves happy and have built an entire life for you and you feel good and you have confidence in yourselves, then you can start to find a GF but by that moment you will probly already have found on on the journey there. STOP obsessing, girls do not garauntee a better life, a lot of times they make life harder and worse.


Better the devil you know then the devil you don't, maybe, maybe not, but I know for sure that by obsessing over it you are only damaging your self esteem and lowering yourself worth.

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Ok dude, call me judgemental but um if you would like to meet "more" girls, get out of the LAN party circuit. I think the few girls who are there have a pretty heavy shield up to guys coming on to them.


Let's face it, computer geeks aren't the most savory of people, the few girls that go to LAN parties are probably getting hit on a lot.


Try going into girl's territory next time, and away from the computer. If you feel your physical appearance is sub-par, then you have to make up for it with personality. A picture isn't going to do you good, try to befriend girls first. You don't have to turn her into your girlfriend, just be friends. Hang out with her more and just network. Meet her friends and see who you might like.

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