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For God's sake...you were cheated on!!! See how quickly stuff changes!


I can't believe I ran into you a few days ago...after not seeing you for ages...and just tonight you admit, you were CHEATED on! Here I was boo-hooing on ENA about how you were in a relationship with a woman who loved zombies, and now your relationship status is single and you are upset that you got played.


Wow, wow, and wow. And I feel for you, I do. It sucks!


But see, everyone, we get worked up for nothing thinking everything is all peachy and perfect with our exes...and then it happens to them.


Life happens to us all.


So don't fret about their marriage, pregnancy, Disneyland trip, etc. It's temporary. Who knows when they are going to get theirs? Seriously. Be patient and live your life folks.


Just a lesson.

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It's been a little more than 2 months and I'm ready to drop this. I've done my fair share of analyzing and grieving. Should I hate you? Should I wish the best? Should I just not care? My head is on straight and multiple perspectives are coming to me. You caused so much pain, you're a monster. I am not perfect either, but hell I always came around in the end.


So I guess I will hate you and at the same time, decide not to care that I want to remember you that way. You're a monster. the end. now I am tossing you in the back of my mind as that. Goodbye.

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I think you're a coward.


It's already been just over a week but I already have this feeling in my heart that unless I contact you I may never hear from you again because you're too damn scared to face emotions or guilt. I don't know what your problem is but you've really disappointed me.


It's killing me that you haven't bothered to keep in contact when you seemed so sincere about wanting to keep me in your life. I thought you cared.


Don't you care anymore? Don't you miss me at all? Did it mean anything at all or was I just a tempory relief from your loneliness? At what point did you give up? Do you feel better now I'm gone? Why did I let myself get involved with you? I was so hesitant for months, I'll never second guess my instincts again. You're the second alcoholic depressive man I've dealt with in my 19 years and you both drained so much from me.


I need some time away from you. I need time to process everything. I need to decide on my game plan. I'm unsure if going NC straight after was the best thing to do, it's such a struggle at times but I know it's got to be so much better than the alternative. I wonder if I should tell you or just let myself fade away but the thought of never hearing from you or seeing you again terrifies me. It also gives me a tiny sense of relief.


Will you remember me? I don't want to become strangers but I've tried treading down that 'friends' road before. Only time will give me answers.


I hate and love I will never get a chance to accidently bump into you because of the distance between us. And if you were to come down again you most likely wouldn't bother trying to see me. If you did what would that change besides making everything harder? You made yourself quite clear and maybe I am better off without you in my life. Maybe you made the right call but it doesn't mean I have to like it!


I know it's for the best, I keep trying to tell myself that, because your depression was beginning to effect me, your internal problems with yourself were exhausting and I can't believe I let you treat me the way you did in the end by putting up with your increasing neglect.


I put up with everything because I cared for you so much and we had some genuinly good times together. I'll never forget our quiet times together or the way you would put your arms around me and look into my eyes. Or that you were there to support me during a family members death. These memories hurt to think of right now but one day they won't and I will cherish them.


Your attitude changed so much towards the end. I gave you my whole heart and nothing but honesty. I accepted you with all your flaws and saw the good in you. I saw the wonderful person you could be. I did everything I could to make our LDR work and you just gave up on it. You gave up on me. I tried to be the best girlfriend I could, and you made it so hard sometimes!!


I wish my mind and heart would allign so I could start putting all these thoughts into perspective. I wish I could stop missing you. I wish the constant thoughts would leave me alone. I wish you'd stop staring in my dreams. I wish your words would stop playing through my head.


You said I was the best thing to have ever happened to you and yet you tossed me aside like an old tissue when stress and life became too much (so you say). It makes me feel disposable. It makes me feel like what we had was cheap and temporary. It makes me want to punch you in the face.


I'm better than this, I deserve more than this. You made your decision I hope you're happy with it. I realise now I have a lot longer to go before I'm over this.


Oh, by the way, you've made me appreciate my previous ex soooo much more. I've finally forgiven him for everything because at least HE had the guts to attempt a friendship and keep in contact.


Thanks for all the heartache, * * * * * * * .


P.s I miss you. More than you could know.


Also, nice to know you started signing into msn more now I'm gone!!!?? So much for not having the time to talk anymore!! What's with that?


Wow, that feels a little better

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Hey L,


I'm doing better today, I have been for the last few days. I hope you're OK and enjoying life without me. You know you will always be very special to me & I have almost forgiven you for ending things.


Every so often I get so angry with you for not trying, talking to me, having the courage to try and work through the problems you thought we had. You never told me you were unhappy. Why not?! Why could you not be more mature and have more courage. Why choose to remove me totally from your life and throw away what we had? I don't think I'll ever truly understand, even if I told you I do.

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What have I done? I asked if you wanted to hang out (with other old friends) and am shocked that you immediately replied with a yes.


I was serious, but I didn't think you would respond.


Now I have to follow through. You're the only one who actually wrote me back, too, out of the others I asked to hang out.


I do want to catch up, but not if it's just the two of us. That would be...awkward...yeah. I mean, I guess we would be in public. We're both single now and stuff. But how do I let you know it's not like a date? Should I say that? You probably assume it isn't a date, but still.


I shouldn't dwell on it. It'll just be cool to hang out and talk for a little while. No big deal. It's nothing that important.

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I wanted to call you today just to hear your voice. I miss you so much the pain is unbearable. The thought of this girl being in your arms when just over 3 weeks ago I was there. The thought of this girl being in my house...sleeping in my bed...i can't describe the pain it makes me feel. I'm so scared to find out if you're treating her like a queen as i just got dogs abuse most of the time. I hated it when you told me i could get any guy I wanted...the look on your face when i said that is so untrue because i can't have you. I hope the guilt of what you've done to me hits you soon and lives with you for the rest of your life. You know i didn't deserve any of this, the way you've treated me on and off for the past 2.5 years. You've broken me and i won't heal properly for a long time. I'm so upset right now...thank you!!

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I want to write you a letter but I know at the end of the day it will make no difference to you.


Dear S


How convincing were you 2 months ago when you begged me to let you come over to my flat as you wanted to talk to me? I said no yet you appeared at 3am on a Wednesday morning knowing i had work the next day. That's right, you just felt sorry for me? You begged and begged me to take you back. I stupidly let you convince me to take things slowly as you said you didn't want to be with anyone but me and that the time apart had made you realise what you were throwing away. You met me from work that evening hugging me tightly telling me you just craved to be with me. As much as I was wary it was like all my dreams came true. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had so much hope for our future at that point. You begged me to try and make up with your mum so i could go to NY in October with you and your family. You talked about me moving back in to the house and even asked me to bring the cats back around. I was right to be wary. Imagine if i had moved back in and 2 months later you're ending it for what seriously feels like the last time. I would be homeless!


This girl is supposedly "the one" after 2 weeks? Yet you text me asking me if i wanted to come over on saturday night. Surely if she was the one you wouldn't risk having your ex over! You wouldn't be telling me you missed me. You wouldn't be telling me i looked stunningly beautiful. You wouldn't have asked me to stay over and let me sleep next to you and stroke your arms and rub your back, nor would you have been stroking my arm and face. You told me "people" were telling you to ignore my texts. I bet she has been saying that. "ignore her and she'll go away". I'm not giving you that chance anymore. I would have to contact you for you to ignore me.


The mixture of emotions i feel just now is overwhelming. I'm missing you so much. You telling me you stopped loving me way back december 2006 makes my heart feel like it's been crushed to bits. Oh but wait, you said you've never loved before. Why did you choose me to hurt like this. Of all the people that have came and gone from your life...of all the people you could have treated like this...why me!? All i did was love you and care for you and understand you like no one else has ever done. I don't care if you say this new girl understands you. She cannot understand you yet. She's not seen you blow a gasget and trash a house and scream at people and completely press the self destruct button yet still be able to approach you and hold you and tell you everything is going to be ok. That's love and understanding. One day you will realise that and by then i hope i'm long gone. As much as i would give anything to have you back I don't think i will ever be able to trust you again if you came back to me. It's broken. I really hope this is what you truly want. I don't want to go through all of this pain only to hear you say you've made a mistake AGAIN!


So, go and live your life with this new girl. if she has depression then just wait till she has a relapse. People with depression often do even when on medication as you all too well know. Just wait. Knowing my luck you'll be there for her even though part of the MANY reasons you ended it with me because you couldn't handle me being down! I don't wish you all the best and i don't wish you the worst. I just want to stop thinking about you and wish there was a pill i could take that would make you disappear from my memory because you don't deserve my tears, my pain, me waiting and hoping. You deserve none of it.



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Well, it's been a year since our relationship started to go pear shaped, and in hindsight started the slow tumble to the end last november. Since then, I wonder why I still care for you? Your actions have spoken loud and clear what you think of me, but for some reason I still care.


Oh well... not sure if i'll ever hear from you again but take care.


PS, it will be interesting to see what happens when my birthday comes around next month...

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I wrote you yesterday. I never say the right thing in the right way.


I just want you to know that you were right I need to get my act together more. It was just how you said it. Always so negatively, it made it hard for me to see.


Now I am starting to see clearer, because that negativity is gone and I can focus on me. I am not saying you were the cause of my problems. It was constantly being told how bad I was just made me feel bad all the time.


I do miss you and love you still. I know I cannot reach out to you anymore. If we are ever to be together again. You must have an opportunity to see what we really had together. You must be given the opportunity to actually miss me and want me.


I doubt it will ever happen, but as of today, I still have a little hope that motivates me so that if you ever do come back. I will be the man you first fell in love with, but even better.


Maybe then you will also be the woman who I also fell in love with.

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I turned on the TV...masterchef is on. It made me think of you. One of the programmes we used to watch together and laugh at Greg Wallace. I was out at the shops earlier and saw a black Jaguar XK...what were the chances of that? I thought about you. So i turned off the TV and went on to Facebook and there's a post about Dexter new series on Blue Ray....i thought about you. There's just no getting away from you!! Will you be feeling the same. I do hope so!

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I would give so much to get inside your head! Are you stringing me along? Are you genuinely confused? Do you see me as just a friend? Do you think you're too good for me? Or are you telling the truth when you call yourself 'the biggest idiot in the world'?


I don't know what you want. You say you love me, always will, and I'd like to think after almost three years that this is true. But I just don't know...


It crosses my mind so often that you're just leading me on at the moment, then I think "no, he's not like that, he'd never do that to me!" But maybe you would. I don't know you anymore, do I. You've already done so many things I thought you never would.


Do you just not see me as girlfriend material? Are you thinking you can do better? I'd love some honesty.


It's so strange meeting up with you again every week. These dates. You said you feel like we're in an 'unspoken relationship'. Instead of saying that stupid stuff, why not just tell me what you want?


You know, I really love you. I love you like I did the day we met off that train. I love you like I did when I was holding your hand under the sea. I love you like I did when we were skinny-dipping under the moonlight. I love you like I did that night I was so sick and you took care of me. I love you like I did when we were chasing each other through the fields by your house at 5am.


I love you, and I ALWAYS will, but stop taking that for granted please. Because as much as I love you, I've let you do too many terrible things, and I've thrown away all my self-respect, and I have to stop soon.


You can't ever hurt me again. I know you don't think I'd ever turn my back on you, because I never have, but I'm not scared of losing you anymore, because I've lost you plenty of times. So this has to be it, sweetheart. This is the last chance. I will walk away.


I know we are young, but figure it out, please.

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Have you heard this new Maroon 5 song, "Misery"? It fits me to a 'T'. I wanted to text you to see if you've heard the song, but what's the point?


Two months on and I'm struggling like hell.


I just heard that song on the radio and it couldn't be more perfect. I like the end of the song where there is a play on words, 'I'm gonna get you back.'

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Im sitting here in my bed,

while thoughts of you pop into my head,

I will not be broken - my will is strong - I can eaven break into song...

I hope you are happy with what ever you are doing,

without me in your life and without all the cooing

one day you will realise what it is you have lost..

and at that moment... that verry same moment

i hope you realise at what cost...


It is time for me to heal you see,

from all that hurt and agony,

for the one thing you have given me despite your intentions.

is the strength and courage to right these infections.

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