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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I miss you. It doesn't matter anymore, you obviously moved on with your life. I'm happy you're doing well in other aspects of your life and I could just wish you happiness from half way round the globe. I had lots of reflection lately, but I still can't get myself to hate you. I don't..I'm just sad that things didn't work out and you're treating me like an alien right now.


Is it worth it ? I need you in my life yet you choose to walk away and no turning back. I wished you could just feel what I'm feeling. I want to talk to you so bad.. but what's the point huh ?


I didn't see your selfish side before. You told me you broke many hearts before. You're so proud of yourself, you think like you're superior after our break up. I don't know you anyway..that's what killing me inside deeply. You're not the same person I once loved.

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Why did you really call me Saturday night? You knew I'd pick up, of course, just in case something was wrong with our girl. Do you seriously think I bought the line about checking your vacation dates with me after I said you needed to keep the girl because I was unavailable this weekend? You wanted to see if I'd pick up. Admit it. We didn't talk, email, or text for a week and the one night you're absolutely certain I'm with someone, you call? Good thing you did call, though - you "forgot" about giving me a ride home after my surgery. And you just got a new department yesterday, so how could you leave in such a short period of time? You've got reports to get to know, new procedures...Good thing you didn't get that position in payments. Andy has a good friend who'd be your boss' boss (maybe your boss' boss' boss). If A. hasn't heard what a loser you are at work by now, he probably will in the future. You need to come up with more clever ways of checking on me.


Anyway, I wish you could hear the ring tone I use for your calls. A. thought it was quite humerous. And I'm glad you called when you did. If you'd waited three minutes we would have been naked and it would have been awkward. I wouldn't have picked up nor returned your call for a long, long time.

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I wanted to really send this to you but then decided not to.


" Hi,

I hope you are well. I am sorry for the way I recated and behaved. But I was truly hurt.

I wish you well in life"



Now, here is what I realllly feeeeeeeeeeeel....


You left me over a phone call without any explanation ; maybe because you had none. You left me 4 days before my exams - maybe because you were more important than my wellbeing. you went with another guy to a trip the next day after dumping me? I still cannot believe that. Its like you are not the same person anymore. you avoided me , my calls my emails and me too. I don't know what you told your parents but they tell me to forget you???? How hurtful are those things do you understand??? but you don't want to think about that because you want a new life and thats why you want to avoid hearing from me. and my pain. I imagine you 2 years back when we started and you were the most innnocent child i ever met and I can't believe someone like that would behave somethign like this.


Maybe I was busy with shcool and I knew that I couldn't give you a 24*7 support. But couldn't you understnad that and support me during that time? Even if you tell you mother that I deserved a better girl - it doesn;t explain anything. And how could you tell your own mother that I deserved someone better than you and then you go to another guy?



man... you drove me crazy by your actions....



Its been long time and you have not contacted me... let my heart get some peace now....

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You're messing with my head today. After your text last night it's spinning and spinning wondering what you really want. I've started imagining getting back together again. Scared as not sure i want to. Thought sending you my letter would put me back in control again. Really didnt want a response. Just wanted to tell you how i felt and leave it at that. But now im hanging on your respose, waiting for you to have a "think" about what i wrote. Grrr

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You have the cheek to tell em you want to go to a solicitor over the kids when I am the one who oushed you to see your kids even after you cheated, lied and left us, me heavily preganant with a child to look after and no money. Now you want to go to a solicitor when you did not show up on Sunday to pick them up, oh I forgot drink was more important. So go ahead I jsut give up anything that will amke life easier and peaceful go ahead and do. Maybe now it really will be over.

Go ahead sleep with who you want I was way too good for you.

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Thankyou for leaving my bottle of screenwash you borrowed on my porch. I thought I was doing well moving on from you. I saw it and stopped dead in my tracks and had to come inside and curl up into a ball and cry for a while. Just seeing it. Just remembering you. Just knowing you were outside my house. It has brought back all the memories of you. I am weeping as I write this. I want to just run to your house and hold you and us to be alone in the universe away from all the bull * * * * and just to be happy with each other. I was such a stupoid idiot for leaving you. You wouldnt have ended it if I hadnt. Insecurity and paranoia were the death is us, all because of me. Seeing that reminder of you just made me realise how deeply not over you I am and how much I love you, and how much abosloute bull * * * * my life is. I am so upset. I have so many issues. Why do I pull away from someone when they want to get closer. Why couldnt i hgave the confidence to initiate sex more. Why do I always think the worst of myself. Why do I work myself into such a state over things when they are all in my head. I am so so so sorry I couldnt be the person I needed to be for us to work. I am in so much pain.



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Im worried. I wish that I could talk to you about it. it was tough love but i really need those words right now, i didnt realise how important they were to me. I know what you would say so im trying to follow your advice and where it would lead but im so scared. I know that its wrong. i know that it will make things so much worse than they are but you know how hard it was, i barely got through it then, with you, how am i supposed to do it without you. Its probably a good thing that im relying on myself, but at the same time i dont know that i can do it alone. You always knew the right thing to say, it felt like everything would be okay because you were there and you said you always would be. I thought I had all the time in the world to figure it out so i took my time. but it was too much for you. its too much for me. I made you my world. Now that youve gone its just me. We did it together, we got through it together, it was ours. but now its just me. and it feels too huge for one person. its overwhelming and im petrified.


I like him again babe. I feel so guilty. I dont want to forget but its happening so fast all of a sudden. I went to contact him and i just couldnt do it, i dont know whats wrong with me. I know what I have to do and i know your never coming back so its stupid to feel guilty. Im glad i wrote this because i didnt realise i needed to cry. I miss you this morning. xx

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I literally just picked up my phone and started typing and realised how pathetic it would sound, condsidering. My heart was going so fast, if only you knew what this was doing. The fact that I have to say this in here or on paper and you will never know. I feel like I just have to keep typing. Because i cant give up. You gave up on me but i cant give up on myself. Im so tired though. These moments are such a struggle. I have to believe that it will pass, i know that, but sometimes it feels like its just meant to be. I know how stupid that sounds.


Im sorry that I didnt love you the way you needed to be loved to keep us together, and im sorry i didnt make the journey easy for you. Maybe youll read this one day, i dont know. fates a weird thing. Maybe it will find its way back to you somehow. then youll know. thankyou for loving me in a way that i dont think i could ever forget. the things you taught me to carry in my life are so valuable and so important to me. im sorry that i wasnt strong enough. you never understood it then but i hope to god you do now. cause youll know. And i dont know you well enough anymore to know what will happen. but i do have faith in you, i always had faith in you, i just couldnt bring myself to face my demons. you know it would have happened with anyone. I dont want you to forget but I dont want you to carry any guilt. Its my fault, and its my responsibilty, and i take the blame 100%. they are my decisions and if you ever felt like they were a reflection of you, you were so wrong. I love you so much.

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you have to get out of my head...i cant stop thinking about you. i have to. Please do me a favour. Stop responding to me. Stop accepting every invitation I offer you. Stop responding to every text and email i send you. And for gods sake...STOP flirting with me!


I know you. if you didnt want to see me you wouldnt. I know you have pride and you wont ask me out, but please stop stop stop agreeing to see me. Tell me you never want to see me again. Tell me im not welcome on the team.

Just please let me go. Treat me badly or something. I need to move on. Dont you want me to? Well this isnt helping me. Please. Be an * * * * * * * . Tell me to go away.

I cant handle this anymore. And I cant control myself. You need to be the stronger one. After all, you were the one who walked away

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Gosh, it's been a year and I guess I can finally say that I'm over you, L. I still would like to write you a goodbye letter, but it is not something I feel compulsive about. I don't feel that needy feeling anymore. I also don't need to know about your relationship, although I'm curious. I don't think about you all day and don't feel sick to my stomach very often when I think about you. One thing: When the song "Mr. Roboto" comes on, I kinda stiffen up a bit. Some things still make me smile. I can't say I don't love you. I always will. But I'm not really infatuated. I can look at your pictures and smile, but don't ache. I am infatuated with someone else now. I guess it's better that we don't be friends because this way, it will keep those feelings away. I really don't want to be with a person who doesn't share my spiritual views and sense of humor. Those things were lacking in our relationship. Although B will never replace you, I like how he makes me laugh and is not afraid to be goofy. You were so about appearances that I felt I had to be on my best behavior with you. I'm comparing apples and oranges, so I'll stop because I like them both.

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I can't describe to you how much it hurts to be around you.


I either feel constantly guilty for making you sad. I hate watching it. I hate that it's because of my that you feel that way.


But then there are the moments when i have to watch you with the million other girls now chasing you. I know I should be glad. I want you to move on and be happy again. But then it just reminds you how alone I am in the world. Constantly having to fight for my friends attention. I miss having someone there.


I know I shouldn't say I love you because it just gets confusing. I don't want to lead you on. I know I was the one who left and no I don't regret my decision. As hard as it is to do I know it's right. But i do still love you. I still think about you often, wondering how you are feeling and what your up to. I miss you.


I just don't want to care anymore. I don't want to hurt so much when I'm around you.

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im effing disgusted by you. the only reason i want u to think of me is so it burns inside realising what you've lost! and im sure as hell ur gf isnt as perfect as u say, we'll see in a few months you no-good a$$! it makes me feel bad when u say that. i did SO MUCH to see u, to defend u in front of my whole community that thought u were trash! and u treat ME like trash??? if ur rele happy u dont need to insult me. i hope u get hurt, i really do, bcuz you deserve it. i hope karma bites your a$$ hard!!!

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Wow, saw you online last night and today. Seems weird because you hardly get connected on msn during these times (2 am your time) .


Are you waiting for your new love interest ? Does she live in the same continent as I do ?? Surely you moved on, found yourself a new love huh ??


GREAT !! JUST GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You look so happy ! Sound so happy to me. Do you still at least think of me ?

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Hi C,


I have a few things that I would like to say and find it easier doing so via an email.


Firstly I do not blame you for ending our relationship, maybe it was for the best.


For some reason I feel the need to explain some of my behaviours so that you realise I wasn't just a moody git. I suffer from Social Anxiety which is why I always seemed to quiet around your family and friends, I wish I didn't have to be that way but it's a problem I am still coming to terms with. Many times I wanted to tell you how I was feeling, I wanted to tell you how anxious I was but how grateful I was for having you in my life. I didn't say it enough but I really do love you. However, because of my lack of assertiveness I often kept things bottled up and ended up being moody, sighing and being stupidly passive aggressive just to try and get you to ask me how I was, but even if you did I would probably have just said 'I'm ok'. I am ashamed of them behaviours because I don't feel any person deserves to be treated that way.


I'm sure there was more I wanted to say but whenever I go to put them down I always forget what I wanted to say. You're a lovely person and deserve to be happy, I'm just sad that person wasn't me.


Take Care,



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Can I ask why the language needs to be watched? I notice this as a theme throughout these forums. Why is it so bad if someone drops an f-bomb here and there or calls their significant other the c-word? I feel like censoring what we want to say restricts a lot of emotion from really getting out. But I may be in the minority here.


I totally agree. It's like all these annoying *bleeps* you hear in American shows where you know anyway what the word was. What a bunch of hypocrisy.

Children? Don't be so naive! They hear the nastiest swearwords in school, sports-clubs etc. and ultimately you wouldn't wish your own child to be nerdy and uncool in front of the other kids.

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I miss you so much. I went to the super market today and I saw these cushions, these utensils and just remembered how we wanted the same home. My sister's fancy dress party is tonight and I'll be going as a mellodica. How I wish we made my costume together. It's just me now baby. I know how much you love my random ideas. I'll be the odd one out again, like you. I'm trying to flush this love out of my system but I dunno..it feels wrong. Why do I feel that we should be together? Am I simply deluded? I'm sure there's someone more steady out there but I want to spend my time with you. I am actively letting go now, I'm reading a good book and allowing myself to feel the pain. Nothing is as good without you. And I know I shouldn't think that. But this is how I feel. Maybe it was major addiction but still to this day I don't know exactly why I love you. I just do, like I did as soon as I met you. The same thing you felt. Home. What would we be if we hadn't met moro mou? You and me was so big, so life changing for both of us. Did it all happen for us to be here in this moment? I think we've both been so weak. I know you hurt too. Please come and take me home, I wanna do everything with you.

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It hurts like hell. I am screaming out for you inside. No matter how much time goes by, the longing for you does not soften. I wake up every morning still in shock we are not together. How could you totally cold shoulder me? You told me you love me and never called again. I was willing to overcome your faults and forgive you the times you let me down and hurt me by disappearing at night with cocaine. When I was at the weakest point of my life and threw you out, you ran. You could have called me the very next day, or any other day after that and we could have worked it out. Please come back. I am grateful to have a place where I can write these thoughts uncensored. May angels of love guide our steps. May they watch over you now and lead to healthy decisions on both our parts. I am glad I am able to have all my thoughts, even when they hurt or feel crazy. They are just thoughts and will not control me. I will work out now. I will have lunch with a friend and laugh. I am thankful to God for all the happy years we had together and will not beat myself up for praying for more.

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so I was "the one" was I? ....yeah looks like it. Think you mean I was "the one who you idealized at the time to stroke your ego while you kicked mine into the ground cos of your own insecurities whilst making me the scapegoat for them"


thats a pretty messed up game to play.


i didnt lie, i didnt cheat, but i did love you imensely, i had jus been through alot of hell as you knew...then you abandon me...coldy. Hold on a min, I did say that "that upsets and hurts me" and you carried on doing it...so i call you out on it, stick to my boundries and you jus freeze me out.




toay i actually woke up HAPPIER from being WITHOUT you than actually with you. I even had a nausea feeling when i thought about you...where did that come from huh?


i dont want you back today, i really dont. I cant ever think that we have a future if this is how you go on over something.


F*** off infact...I had a great time last night with a male friend (i bet you'd get all jealous about that yet I had to accept your fem friends...double standards pffft)



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It's been an emotional and somewhat of a spiritual journey for me these last 3 months. What I have learned is that people have to be honest with themselves and honest with others. I have learned lessons that will help me make my next serious relationship strong and lasting.


I have accepted the loss and am ready for whatever God brings to me and am looking forward to the future b/c I have looked back enough now. So what happens is what happens relationship wise, and I am fine with it. Like one of my friends told me, there are 6 billion people on this planet, there are plenty of people out there for you to make long lasting and spiritual connections with!


I love my career path, this is what has brought me the most satisfaction in my life and I can't wait to be a Doc saving peoples lives.

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This has been going on for too long and I should be over it already but I am not and it really hurts. How could I have ever believed you when you said you loved me, if you really did you would be with me but you are not. I cant do this anymore I cant be around for you only when it is convenient to you. All I am getting out of this so called friendship is heartache and I am tired of it. Lets just agree to be people who work together and leave it at that, we can never be anything more.

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