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Feeling very depressed and even suicidal... I'm serious.


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Hi everyone.


I had such a difficult menstrual period this month. I posted last month about PMS" This month was even worse. Leading up to it I got increasingly depressed. Then on the day before it, and the first day, and the second day (today), I became EXTREMELLY depressed and suicidal. I cried constantly. No reason other than normal life and my usual issues. I do have issues but it's during PMS and periods that I get that LOW.


we have a fire escape inisde the building (an inner staicase that no one uses). I went to check if there was a part where I could tie my dog's leash and hang myself. I tested it with my weight. I don,t want to die, I don't want to leave my dog. But I am hurting so much inside. I am so SO SO exhausted from my period. I was so tired and depressed. I know it's bio chemical but I don,t want to take antidepressants.


I could hardly function at work today. I am a teacher and the stress of being in front of a class is too much. I get very fog-brained on the days leading up to my period and on the days I menstruate. I have PMS D, I haven't been diagnosed but have all the symptoms.


Please help me, tell me something. I'm dying, I cannot cope, I'm too exhausted. My work contract ends Friday and I have yet to renew it. I could wait and just substitute teach, but I want to work full time. I am just too tired. I'm so scared. I don't want to go through another PMS like that again, I don,t know what to do. last time I took the Pill it made me evry ill (major depression and severea anxiety). What alse can I do? I am falling appart.


If I didn't have my dog I'd kill myself. I am not close to my family (my sister always tells me that one has to snap out of feeling depressed. The other day she criticized the fact that I am tired all the time. I feel so judged and inferior and ashamed. It's not my fault I am so exhausted - always, but it gets worse arund my period. I have blood tests all normal for diabetes and thyroid and routine stuff like that).

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I have symptoms of low estrogen. headache, dizziness, hot flashes, very very tired, insomnia, and everything to do with depression. I also get VERY drowsy during PMS which is a symptom of high progesterone / low estrogen. (progesterone can meake you very drowzy).


I read everywhere that severe depresson like I get is low estrogen / high progesterone (I get no water retention adn no sore breasts which is typical of low progesterone).


I had started taking Vitex (chaste berry extract commonly used for PMS) but I stopped because it raises progesterone (and I suspect that is not what I need) and dopamine and shouldn't be used by people with history of mental llness (such as myself - depression and anxiety). I read that people with my type of PMS should NOT use Vitex (read it after I started taking it)


what if the doc gives me the wrong hormones? are you on hormones for life? I don't want to take synthetic hormones!

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I am going to take them as long as they keep working or until menopause is over, whichever comes first. I consider it a small price to pay to retain my will to live.





I feel like it eally doesn't matter whether I live or die, except for the fact that my dog need sme. she has no one else, she totally depends on me, to go out, to drink water , to be fed, and we have fun together, we walk, we play, she is a sunshine in my life.


aside from that what does it matter whether I live or die? they'll find another teacher to replace me, someone else can live here and pay the rent... I don,t feel like I matter.

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I feel like it eally doesn't matter whether I live or die, except for the fact that my dog need sme. she has no one else, she totally depends on me, to go out, to drink water , to be fed, and we have fun together, we walk, we play, she is a sunshine in my life.


aside from that what does it matter whether I live or die? they'll find another teacher to replace me, someone else can live here and pay the rent... I don,t feel like I matter.


That is your hormonal state talking. Ordinarily I doubt you feel that way. How did you feel a week ago?

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OP: Have you seen a doctor about this problem? If not, WHY not? The problem you have have can VERY EASILY be solved by the right course of medication and millions of women have suffered the same and have been helped with medication. I don't understand why, when something such as this can be so easily solved, or helped in a very significant way, why you don't see a doctor to get help.

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Just wanted to let you know that I feel a lot better. By day 3 of my period I was back to "regular" aside form being very tired. My period really gets me very tired, i'm sure a lot of women here can relate.


I bought a PMS herbal tincture with dong quai and other stuff in it and have started taking supplements like omega-3 and magnesium as well as a multi. I am hoping the herbal tincture will regulate my cycle and give me some relief.


I have to see my doctor but I am so afraid she will give me synthetic drugs which I am afraid to take. but also i am very scared of in about 3 weeks when PMS comes back.


I am extemelly fatigued and constantly depressed (just not as intenselly as during PMS). I just don't know what to do. Even in the mornings when I wake up I am exhausted, yet I awaken really really early (like 5 or 6 AM) and cannot get back ot sleep.


BTW I don't drink alcohol, and I only have one small expresso in the morning. I do some emotional eating which means I do eat sugar and overeat at times, but I still eat fruit, vegatables, raw nuts, tofu, lots of healty stuff. I cut out gluten a few months ago and I'm tryign not to cheat.

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