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thank you ENA!


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i'd like to take the opportunity to extend a warm thank you to this forum. thank you!


personally...this place has been a source of strength when i haven't been strong. some of you have been a great source of support. your insight, compassion, and empathy are inspiring. it's truly beautiful to be a witness to those aspects of humanity. you've helped me (and countless others) to see truths within myself. you've given me the opportunity to see other perspectives...to understand and accept the differences that we have between us. you've helped me to feel connected to my fellow human again. you've helped me to realize the life within me.


some others...while i haven't always agreed with you...you've offered me the opportunity to see certain tendencies i have within myself. you've acted as a doorway into my own deeper essence. you've allowed me to become witness to certain aspects of myself that i've denied (whether consciously or unconsciously). there is a certain dynamic here. we all have something to offer. it's a part of the collective healing atmosphere.


i hope you all continue to share your wisdom. i hope you find the truths within yourselves. i hope that you find the life within you...and continue to share that life with others.


thank you all.



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