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I am wondering if it's wrong for a parent to say they cant wait till their kids move out of the house so they can be free from them and it's only him and the wife. I am asking because my friends parents said this to him as he grew up. It just doesnt seem right....


Another thing is when my friends dad passed away and wrote in a unnotorized will that he wants some money to give to his children for college. So it's 3 years later and my friends mom still hasnt given him money for school, she uses it on herself (buys clothes, goes gambling, uses it on cosmetics). My friend has been wanting to go to college and asked his mom if he could use some money his dad put aside but she told him no.

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I am sure your friend can legal action against his mother. He should consult a lawyer.


As for saying stuff like "I can't wait until you move out" yeah, it's kind of a * * * * thing to say but depends on the context. My parents would say stuff like that to me ONLY as a joke.

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My friend said his parents say it not as a joke, it was as if their own children were burden for them. I feel like his parents did not love them as much as they loved each other. The dad always put mother first before kids.


Can he take legal action? The will is not notarized and she has the will hidden somewhere after the death.

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No the parents weren't joking , I remember even going to his house and they were serious. The parents had a plan to move to a different country when the kids graduate high school. I just thought it was kinda cruel.


The will is handwritten, she has it in a safe locked in her bedroom that is also locked. She locks her bedroom door so basically he wont be able to get it.

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As a couple, you may long to go back to being just a couple. You know, after giving all your time and energy to your kids? When the kids leave the nest, it's time to rediscover your spouse. I am looking forward to that! But I would never EVER say that to my kids because I do appreciate they are (almost) grown up and that our relationship has evolved. I always joke with them but I always speak in terms of them moving out when they are 50. I'm not really in a hurry for them to leave. And when they do leave, I want them to come back with their kids!!!!

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A child no matter the age should ALWAYS feel welcome, and loved in there own home. The parents chose to have a baby, so it's there own fault there stuck with a child for 18+ years.


My mother used to say it to me all the time, she meant it. My partners parents say it a lot, but they are joking. They would do anything for there sons.


He needs to find that will. I really don't know the rights or laws in USA =(

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i say to my children that i cant wait for them to leave but they have to live close by and visit and i am going to be the most spoiling granny ever. i see other people not leaving home so that is were i get concerned that they may think stayings a good idea. i agree that having raised them and loved doing so, parents need their own space back.

had did your friend know what the will said?

was it read out in front of a witness who will back it up?

some people are just that self centred and will steal from their own family.

i dont know legal things maybe a lawyer would be a good idea.

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