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This girl burned me multiple, multiple times (the last breakup was our 4th!)...and I've done the 'no contact' thing with her these past 3 weeks after we broke up. She told her bestfriend who I talk to occasionally that she really, really misses me and wants to be good friends or even friends with benefits. I'm really confused...whats the best advice here...I still like her so it would be really hard to be friends you know...I need a new girl and her being around isn't what I really want or need, but some part of me does...Please help


* also I told her friend to tell me ex that if she wants to be friends to call me herself...as I won't be contacting her.

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i have been in a similar situation where my ex wanted to be friends but she doesnt love me anymore.


i think what i did was the worst thing i went nuts so that there wont be any contact for a long time but i have been there before


it seems that you love this girl more than she loves you which is exactly the situation i am in i would jsut let it go.


I am writing these words knowing that it is gonna be a hard 6 months for me to do what i am telling you to do but when someone dumps you that many times the only way to pay it back is to move on and find someone new and believe in karma cos what goes around surely comes around and you like me seem to be there when they need your love and support but they are never there when you need it


There are lots of girls out there its just seeing past the one that is in your heart

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My situation was very similar. My girl dumped me and I did what I thought was my best to get her back. Then we met up once, her choice totally and said she really really loved me and wanted to see me, but would understand if I didn't and if I had someone else. What??? Then when I reminded of the previous weeks of trying to get her back, she shrugged that off and gave no explanation as to why she was thinking such rubbish. This confused me and what confused me more was that she wanted to see me more than the once a week she could manage, I was willing to do this and then she said, well can't we be friends or friends that do stuff??? At first I agreed, then thought no, cos I want her and not just the friendship and sex thing. Surely if I was to stay friends with her I would be living in hope of us getting together again? And what if she got with someone else, it would kill me. She then said how she would rather have me around than not at all. Was I a fool to pass on her?



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This is too everyone who posted so far in this topic..... You can definitely be friends with an EX, however, Friends with benefits is not a good idea in my opinion. Sure it sounds great, but when she finally does move on and you are unable to get those benefits anymore your heart gets torn in two all over again...

It usually takes a lot of time before you can truly be friends with an EX. And it rellay depends a lot on how long your relationship was and how rough the breakup ended up being. I had a bad breakup with an EX GF about ten years ago. It took about four years before we would speak too each other. Now we talk all the time and she has really been helping me through my divorce. It has been difficult because my wife did not want me talking to her, and obviously she has not told her boyfriend she talks to me, but we have not done anything wrong. We just bounce our problems off each other.. It is good for both of us, and to be honest I have probably helped her boyfriend out more than he will ever know..


Good luck too all of you..

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