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I've been with my current bf for almost a year now and we are really hitting it off. Besides the little distance (i'm an hour away @college) everything is looking good.

The boy is and has been head over heels for me real early into the relationship. I on the other hand took the sterotypical "man" type approach where it takes you awhile to fall in love and even longer to admit it. (note: i am female). And now that i do, it presents a slight problem.

See before we got together his lifestyle was different. In high school he was... lets say... a little intimate (lol) and now that we're together he can't do those things. I, on the other hand, am a virgin and plan on remaining so until marriage ( he may or may not be the one). He knows, understands, and is willing to respect my wishes but at the same time we both have needs.

Just because I plan on saving myself doesn't mean I don't have hormones it just means sex is a no-no. so basically my question for the forum is aside from the communication and romance aspects of the relationship what other physical things can be done to bring a deeper level of intimacy w/out intercourse into the relationship [Oral and anal suggestions are also excluded ].

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unless he is happy about waiting for you and plans on getting maried soon i would be using my hands. i personally could and would probally not wait to find pleasure and union until married. but I have a perfect family and i have let to be married and plan to get married many times in many cultures to the same girl. unfortunately I am currently unable to afford marriage.\\


marriage is but a paper devoted to your love but more it is a ritual of giving vows to devote your self and your love to your loved one

but i honnor your virture

much love


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all i can think of is a lot of kissing, and use the hands a lot in non-sex areas (basically, not genitals). Maybe take a shower together, that seems like it would be fun... soap and such makes things slippery, which feels pretty nice If you don't want to involve the One-Eyed Trouser Worm or the Warm, Dark Cave of Mystery, then that's all i can think of... kissing and cuddling can be very sensual/pleasurable even without real sex...if you really love each other that is... because it's the love for the other person that really makes it feel good, and if that's not there, well, you have bigger problems.


That's all i can really think of...maybe back/neck massages too?

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Massages are what I was gonna suggest as well - but don't neglect things like the legs, feet, and hands, especially if either of you spend a lot of time walking, leg and foot massages are awesome. Typing or writing or computer work/drawing, hand and finger massages are great at the end of the day. And little things like scalp and neck massages are great for tension relief as well as the more typical back massages and rubs. If you have the control, bathing together can be a good intimate experience that doesn't have to involve sex or petting - focus on making each other feel cherished and get acquainted with each other physically on that level if you can


If you want to do a little sensual exploration that doesn't involve oral, anal, or intercourse - and he and you have the control to know when to say when - you can do a LOT of very sensual exploration with touch, especially if your partner can keep his/her eyes shut or is willing to wear a blindfold - you'll get acquainted with exactly what feels good to each other, and deepen the trust between you at the same time. The person DOING the exploring can have his or her eyes closed alternatively. I know it sounds strange, but when you can't see - it forces you to rely on your other senses, so smell, touch, taste, hearing is heightened and you'll notice little things you might not when you're looking at each other (the difference in skin texture on the inside of the elbow, the places where the blood is close enough to the skin to feel his pulse, for example) - maybe why people usually kiss with their eyes closed!

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