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Everything posted by littlelady18

  1. i've had the "TALK" at school for years... since 5th grade in fact. From everything that i've learned sperm can live outside the body for an extremely short period of time at certain temperatures (definitely not too high). So if you touch yourself and immediately went inside of her there is a very very very VERY VERY VERY slim possibility. The best thing as other stated by others is to have her take a preg. test. p.s. Keep in mind that if you to have not had sex or genitle ( or genitle fluid) contact that, if she is with child, you had nothing to do with that creation..
  2. I've been with my current bf for almost a year now and we are really hitting it off. Besides the little distance (i'm an hour away @college) everything is looking good. The boy is and has been head over heels for me real early into the relationship. I on the other hand took the sterotypical "man" type approach where it takes you awhile to fall in love and even longer to admit it. (note: i am female). And now that i do, it presents a slight problem. See before we got together his lifestyle was different. In high school he was... lets say... a little intimate (lol) and now that we're together he can't do those things. I, on the other hand, am a virgin and plan on remaining so until marriage ( he may or may not be the one). He knows, understands, and is willing to respect my wishes but at the same time we both have needs. Just because I plan on saving myself doesn't mean I don't have hormones it just means sex is a no-no. so basically my question for the forum is aside from the communication and romance aspects of the relationship what other physical things can be done to bring a deeper level of intimacy w/out intercourse into the relationship [Oral and anal suggestions are also excluded ].
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