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Mother In Law Driving Us Crazy

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So we had to move back in with our mother in law, the first time we moved back in with her was to help her because her husband passed away and we gave her our money to help her out, then we moved out because we couldn't handle her. Now we are back living with her and this is the only 3rd day here and she is already complaining about us staying here. She states that we are using her husbands money (after he passed) we never even touched his money and never ask for money. She always puts my husband down, even in front of our 2 year old daughter.


I think there is something seriously wrong with her, she has been like this ever since I met my husband. She is sometimes delusional she will talk to herself nonstop and repeat everything she says. Today, she was nagging my husband and my 2 year old daughter was telling her to shut up. I feel bad.. but this is how my mother in law is. Its nagging non stop and would drive anyone completely insane.


She is very stubborn and wont take anyone else advice and wont admit she needs help. She was VERY dependant on her husband who passed and I am worried about her what she will do with her life. She works low paying job and has no degree and is living off her husbands money. I dont know what to do anymore because she wont listen.


I"m just wondering if there is anyone that could give me advice there is alot more to the story but I dont want to post it all just yet. Thanks...

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I think you should sit down and talk with her, calmy and ask her why she is acting like this and why she thinks this. Do this to get to the bottom of her fears and try to understand her point of view and explain why you have moved back in and that she has nothing to fear. Agree a plan as to what you are going to do and if that does not work maybe you will have to move out.

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It's very difficult to talk with her. I find it easier to talk to a child. She will not listen to anyone but her elders. She is so stubborn. She looks down upon my husband and I like we are disgusting and useless. It's sad. I see how she treats my husband but she tells everyone she treats all her children equal. Its not true...I don't know what to do with her. My husband thinks he should ignore her for a couple years. We came to live with her the 1st time because her husband passed away almost 3 years ago and my husband gave her money and helped her everyday. Now we are back because we dont really have a place to go to but I told my husband to live with his friend and I will live with my parents, because it's obviously stressing out my husband to the point where he is going insane

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You won't change her, so all you can do is play stupid and cheerful. Don't let a thing she says penetrate, just roll it off your back. If you can't convince your husband that you're best off living elsewhere, then you can always make that choice on your own behalf. But don't make the woman out to be your villain--she's not responsible for your choice to stay, and it doesn't require a dramatic fight of any kind in order to change that decision of your own accord.


In your corner.

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