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Is she trying to get a reaction out of me?


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I broke up with my girlfriend of 2.5 years, we were pretty much on and off.. I broke up with her because of this guy she met after we started dating, he would try flirting with her, and she would tell me that he was just "a really nice person," I accepted her and trusted her but asked her if she could cut down on the amount they talked, since he was flirting with her. She agreed, but then 6 months later, I found out that she had lied to me and basically they were talking communicating even more than what we had agreed upon. Long story short, I broke up with her because she lied to me.



I have been in No contact mode with her for a little over a month, and she has not contacted me, probably because I told her to stay out of my life, but truly, I miss her..


Anyways, I found out that she had gone out on a date with that guy a week later. Also, I did not call her on her birthday that went around, and even though I defriended her on facebook, her cousin put up pictures of her birthday party and whatnot, and that same guy was there..


Is she using him to make me jealous? or is she moving on.. she told me before we broke up that she loved me and wasn't interested in doing anything with him besides being friends. She also told a mutual friend that "she was done for good." Is this to get a reaction out of me? Is she waiting around for me to come back to her so that way she can have both me AND the other guy? I never really felt comfortable with him there because the things she would do.. I would always feel like I was competing with another guy in my own relationship. Do you think that maybe im just reading too much into it? I feel like she may be waiting for me to come back to her because in the past, I have always been the one to break the no contact rule after about a month and then try to get back together with her.

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I don't understand your confusion.


You are broke up....end of story.


My confusion is: why does she say that she loves me and has no interest in doing anything with the other guy.. but when I say "i dont feel comfortable dealing with that guy anymore" .. she has no response for a whole month.. how do you say you love someone, but not care enough to see that they are comfortable..



is she trying her best to keep both me AND the other guy "friend"? or am i reading too much into it, im still madly in love with her, which makes it even harder and makes the situation more unclear

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She lied. Like she lied about what sounds like an emotional affair with this guy whilst you were together.


Dont waste anymore time on her, she is moving on, you need too as well. As much as it hurts.



and im guessing she keeps trying to deny her lies and making up things to prove she isnt lying.. so that she can play with my head?


and if i dont react to any of her games.. will she leave me alone, or actually realize what she is missing?

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She is playing games with you. Lying to you.


Why would you want her back? She doesnt treat you right.




Yeah, I guess im just hung up on the fact that when we first started dating.. she was completely was I was looking for, and then this sudden change, I just dont understand...


I also have tried to figure out.. if she doesnt want me,, then why does she even bother playing games?

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Shes a liarliarliarliar she said she wasn't interested in anything beyond friendship with this guy. Clearly not true. She is a loser for having desperately tried to keep both guys attention instead of being honest and have some principles for herself. HARSH!!!

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Shes a liarliarliarliar she said she wasn't interested in anything beyond friendship with this guy. Clearly not true. She is a loser for having desperately tried to keep both guys attention instead of being honest and have some principles for herself. HARSH!!!



Not to be cocky or anything, I think I am much better than the other guy, which raises the question.. do you think this is like "grass is greener on the other side" kind of deal? i just hope that she realizes shes wrong and let a good thing go.. and SOON

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Not to be cocky or anything, I think I am much better than the other guy, which raises the question.. do you think this is like "grass is greener on the other side" kind of deal? i just hope that she realizes shes wrong and let a good thing go.. and SOON



People change. this is not the girl you met. she has lied to you and betrayed you and clearly doesnt care about or respect you.


Why would you take her back after all this?

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I don't see how she is "playing games." She is a liar yes, but I don't think that she is dating him to get YOU back. Move on, she has.




She's not dating him, she just hangs out with him a lot more knowing that I didn't like it.. That's why I ask if that is to make me jealous? I dnt see how you can date someone for so long and have no remorse or regret, also every other time wehave broken up, she as argued to stay friends and was basically against shutting me out of her life completely.. Or am I just hoping for things and not realizing that she has moved on

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this sounds very similar to my current situation - except that i read it a lot sooner.

you did right in dumping her. when the trust is gone, the relationship is gone.


i broke up with my ex. she seemed indifferent and very soon after she was dating the guy who i was suspicious of.


best you can do is move on and if she contacts you pretend that nothing happened, but don't delete her off facebook. that shows you are weak.

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