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Just Friends or More than friends???


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Is it normal to see a guy once every week (every Saturday afternoon) but within that week we only talk on the phone, or text message each other or email each other once? Does that sounds like we are "just friends"?


Do guys like talking on the phone, email or text message the girl when they are interested in someone? If guys don't call, email or text message the girl but only call/text/email once to try to make time to see her once every week, what does it mean? Is the guy interested/not interested in her?


Also, in a relationship, when will you start to bring the "person you are seeing" to see their friends? If he/she does not bring your "person you are seeing" to see their friends does it mean that we are "just friends" category - He/she is not ready to commit or not sincere about the relationship?


What does it mean when a guy said "I am starting to not like you" when we are discussing we have different tastes in food choices. Does it mean the truth or he meant he likes the girl but don't want to openly say he likes her so he said the opposite instead?

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I think a rule of thumb might be, that if you don't know you are in a relationship - you aren't.


I hope the "I am starting not to like you" was said in jest. If so he's just kidding. No more meaning to it than making a joke. If not in jest.. I don't know what to make of that but I would not assume it means the opposite.

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Sounds like you guys are kind of close. But I don't think you can talk to someone for that long without "liking" them a little.


I think you are reading too much into this whole thing anyway. if he's attract to you he will make the first move.


Plus, this is your friend we are talking about. probably want to be careful and not mess it up

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