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Two weeks ago today my world was crushed. The girl I loved and cared for broke my heart and told me that she needed some time to sort out her feelings for another guy. Although, now she said it was supposed to be temporary, I knew deep down that things would never be the same.


I pleaded with her, I tried to make her see that I really cared about her. She would'nt take my calls. Eventualy she did,but that conversation went no where. Meaning I layed my heart on the line and she didnt even reciporcate. I read somewhere on this site,


"You have to be able and ready to walk away if the person doesnt reciprocate your feelings "


That quote has been stuck in my head evry since.


As time went on, I realized that maybe she doesnt care about me like she said she did.


If you see my other post "I dont get it", I contacted her today to get something. One thing led to another and all of the sudden it was a bash fest.




My problem with this whole thing is, I don't think she can talk about her feelings unless it's in an angry way. Thats the only time I really get any feedback from her. She usually ignores my comments i make about my feelings in IM.


You women out there might be a little shocked that a guy likes to talk about his feelings. I was married for 12 years. I've dated a few people in the last year or so, and none of them liked to discuss the way they feel. I like to think I learned from my mistakes in the past and one of them was not communicating.


I don't know what I'm trying to say. I guess I just needed to vent for a little while.



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No one can 100% hide their feelings..........

Some people like to express them when they are alone, or when there is someone who will listen to them,,,, so i don't think there is something wrong with you........

But the thing is - world doesn't end on her..........

Try to think about break up in a positive way...........

Maybe its your oportunity to meet someone else, or (always a chanse) to prove her / yours love . They say , 25% of divorce couple get back together and have a much greater marriage life, than they did before.............

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I just don't know how some people can go through life not knowing certain things.


I had so many questions for her, but, they all went unanswered.


As funny as it seems, I do express my feelings when I'm alone. I've come to many conclusions about her also that way. because she won't answer anything.


I know I need to move on. As of 2:00 pacific time, I have started the no conact thing. I did tell her she would never hear from me again. And my last words to her was that I do care about her very much. but of course everything went unanswered.


I just don't think she gets it. I honestly think she will move on and not learn from our mistakes and make the next person suffer. I also think that maybe nobody has tried to fight for her before. She was maried, but, I don't think she tried to save that one either


I know I have learned alot from this experience and I can walk away knowing I honestly tried to put up a fight for her.

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hi aha

I think it's great that you are able to talk comfortably about your feelings!

I like that quote that you er, quoted. It's very simple and sensible, and it makes a lot of sense. I think that when it comes down to it, a lot of times we can understand at the mental level that someone was not right for us or a relationship is not going to work out, it is convincing our hearts that presents the challenge.

It seems as though you have handled this situation as best as you can and the rest is up to time. I would not seek answers from her, anything she tells you now would be clouded by emotions anyway.


best of luck...feel free to pm if you need to talk



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I just wanted to thank everybody for responding to all of my posts. I never would have looked at this site before two weeks ago. But I have found alot of good advice on here. And I will continue to look at it. I don;t how many times I have read the post by LARZ "The no contact rule and why it works" but it makes makes alot of sense.


I know I am ready to move on to the next chapter of my life. After the conversations I had yesterday with my ex, my instincts tell me she ins't the right person for me, but my heart still tells me she is. I will get over that.




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