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A Thread For Those Of Us Losing Weight

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I'm a pretty small framed girl, and in high school I weighted about 110-115lbs (I'm 5'3). I went away to college and when I came back home I was close to a whopping 160lb (stress eating, getting sick, heavy drinking and just eating out/badly in general). When I came back home (last December), my boyfriend and I decided that we were both unhappy with how we'd let ourselves go and decided to make exercising and dieting our first priority. We each set goals at this point, mine was to reach 123lbs and to have a toned/lean body without the "tummy". At 160lbs it seemed to hopeless, but nevertheless we set out to try our best.


We started at a gym working out about 1.5 hours-2 hours 2-3 times a week (treadmill, elliptical, machines, crunches, etc.) for about a month or two. We began to share meals when we went out (an effort to moderate calories and portion size) and started cutting out desserts more often. We also started avoiding fried/oily/fatty foods in general. All this took me down to a stable 150lbs.


Then in February we began working out at this intense (and very expensive) bootcamp style place where you do 30 min of intense cardio on the treadmill (a variety of running, sprinting, uphill, backwards uphill) and 30 min of intense strength training and we did this 3x a week. I'd come home incredibly sore and unhappy because it was SO hard. With weights even 8lbs for a heavy weight was too much. We stuck with it (my boyfriend was amazing no much how much I wanted to give up and I'd fight with him he'd never let me give up) and at one point we became fit enough to start going everyday for a month. This was done combined with more intensive portion control, cutting out desserts almost completely, eliminating non-diet and non-fat free drinks, increasing protein (meat, fish), and eating in more (including more veggies and fruits). By July I had gotten down to 126lbs. I know have a much more toned and lean body, and I can lift as a heavy weight 20lbs (what most strong guys are lifting in the class) and run faster/with more endurance than the guys in the class. My boyfriend and I at one point were healthy enough and walked about 15miles in 8 hours (from our houses in the Valley of California all the way to the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica).


Since then I've wavered with keeping up with going because both my boyfriend and I have had very busy schedules and I have a knee injury that has restricted my running. After getting to 126lbs we've varied up our workout, and have tried bikram yoga, swimming, kickboxing and other bootcamp style classes both for relief on my knee and because at this point we've plateaued. We weighed ourselves today and I am back up to 128lbs. I'm still SO close to my goal of 123 I can smell it. I know a few lbs here and there doesn't matter, but I have this last bit of fat on my lower abs that I still need to get rid of but it's just so stubborn. my goal is to get down to a healthy 120lbs now and I hope that I can sustain a little more endurance to finally get there!!!





My advice for those of you looking to lose weight (kinda long, so if you're interested, read on!) :


After almost a year, I know I've come a long way. There were ups and downs but what I can say is that for many of you who think losing 20 or 30lbs is impossible- it's really not. The most important thing to remember is that it takes TIME. That was one of the most frustrating things for me, I expected to see results in a matter of days or weeks, but it really takes MONTHS and that's okay. I have been going to an intense bootstyle camp and even then results take time and you will plateau from time to time, which just means you step up your game or you try something different. For me it helped that I actually began enjoying the bootcamp class, and I also got to incorporate some new types of exercises I've always wanted to try.


Also, losing weight is a matter of a lifestyle change. That means making the commitment to be healthy in the way we eat too. That doesn't mean extreme dieting at all (that will actually hurt you), but it does mean control over what/how much we put into our bodies. I was a major stress eater and I have a huge sweet tooth. Making an effort to eat out less, and choosing healthier alternatives/smaller portions when you do eat out is VERY important. Cutting out fatty desserts and ordering fruit shakes instead of smoothies, or low-fat options without cream from coffee (less frequently), or ordering non-fat yogurt instead of ice cream can cut out major unnecessary calories.


Finally, I think getting to a goal means making it a priority. I know a 30 min walk is better than nothing, but honestly, if you want to see results you have to WORK for it. That means working out for longer more frequently. I would set (realistic) calorie goals for how much I'd want to burn every time I went to the gym and used that as a gauge for how long I should stay there. You can find numbers for things like swimming, etc online. I managed this past year to make exercise a priority while juggling a full-time job and classes. While it seems difficult and you might be tired at the end of the day or early in the morning- it's that extra effort that makes the difference. Having a friend or partner join you is also a major boost. We push each other because we knew we both have the potential to be healthy. Share your goals with your friends even if they don't go with you, their added support helps too



If anyone has any input I'd love to hear, especially if you've tried something thats worked well for you that I haven't mentioned

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Ugh, I am in the same boat as you guys! I'm only young but am struggling with the loss of my teenage metabolism... not helped by the fact that I had an eating disorder through most of high school, so when I started adopting more normal eating habits, moved away from home, turned 20 and became comfortable in my relationship, I freaking ballooned. I am mean to be curvier, but I feel like the way I'm built I should look more like an old school pinup model and less like a chubber. I'm not big, but I have gross rolls and can usually only fit a Canadian extra large, which I find humiliating because I used to be able to wear anything and now I have a hard time finding clothing that doesn't make it look like I'm hiding my body.

I'm trying to cut down on what I eat, but although I've shaped up my habits a bit it's become really hard not to give in, especially when seeing no results. I exercise as much as I can, but get frustrated and embarassed about my poor shape.

It's just kind of hard trying to balance losing weight with regaining a healthy body image, haha.

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  • 2 months later...
I respectfully disagree. When I was emaciated, I loved the way I looked........

I don't speak for all guys, but I wouldn't be attracted in the least to an emaciated girl. It's the sign of bad health, probably a natural connection humans make to attractiveness. Please don't think you need to be that way to look good, you're only hurting yourself

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I'd rather be too thin than too fat. One can NEVER be too thin....no such thing.


I understand you thinking you look better skinny. However I believe using the word emaciated, and stating one can never be too skinny paints a dangerous picture. Especially for young women who are often prone to body image issues. Everyone has a healthy weight, were they feel comfortable. That should be the average persons goal, a healthy weight. Lets face it, some have a higher healthy, natural weight then others.


A good example of how having a eating disorder can effect you is here


I think this series does a decent job of showing the dangers that lay at both ends of the spectrum. You can search through youtube and see there are several episodes that are interesting if you have time to watch.

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I don't speak for all guys, but I wouldn't be attracted in the least to an emaciated girl. It's the sign of bad health, probably a natural connection humans make to attractiveness. Please don't think you need to be that way to look good, you're only hurting yourself
very true...very true
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That's the problem and not to offend anyone but still to this day the media portrays thinner is always better.


The problem is every person's body shape differs. You can be too thin and put your health at risk. My ex once got down to size 1 that her bones were starting to be visible. Her family & I were very concerned and told her to get fat actually...and she was back to around 3~4. Even then her skin looked flushed...just not healthy.


And that's the thing, you need to listen to your body. It knows what it wants and needs. But when people are too focused on being thin it ultimately start to affect their body in a negative way. You may look thin but it's relative, it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be healthier in a long run nor will it make you attractive to many.


At home we've pretty much banned fast foods of any form, if we can cook it at home, we do these days. Once a week or so I'll go buy a sandwich but that's cut down, not only for health reasons but saves money. At work I'm clocking in around two miles walking between buildings. Winter is definitely challenging in that sense, gotta get creative.

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I don't speak for all guys, but I wouldn't be attracted in the least to an emaciated girl. It's the sign of bad health, probably a natural connection humans make to attractiveness. Please don't think you need to be that way to look good, you're only hurting yourself


Not to offend you or ANYONE else on this board, but I like my look 20 pounds ago.........

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I'm still at around the same weight as before (about 8-10 lbs from my goal)

: [. I got off track recently, and i ate too many sweets. I have now been having healthier, balanced meals again for a few days, with no sweets in between.

I've arranged it so that i won't reach for something random at the last moment when i don't feel like cooking something. I have a pretty good idea of what i'm going to eat on most days. If this doesn't work, i don't know what will anymore lol.

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I'll post some advice in here. I just wanted to write a few encouraging words.


At my heaviest I was 290 lbs. I'm 6'4" tall. (Male) I thought it was impossible to lose weight. I could never stay motivated. I got tired of being heavier than I wanted. I kept working at it and working at it. I dug in and took it seriously.


Now I'm 6'4" 188 lbs. I'd like to gain a little weight to get up to 200 lbs. I lost a lot of muscle also. I used to play American football (tackle), and I required a lot of muscle and bulk. I'd like to build more muscle up, in the future.


I just wanted to say, its 100% possible if you stay dedicated. I lost over 100 lbs, and I thank God everyday that I did. I feel healthier, and more confident.

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I'll post some advice in here. I just wanted to write a few encouraging words.


At my heaviest I was 290 lbs. I'm 6'4" tall. (Male) I thought it was impossible to lose weight. I could never stay motivated. I got tired of being heavier than I wanted. I kept working at it and working at it. I dug in and took it seriously.


Now I'm 6'4" 188 lbs. I'd like to gain a little weight to get up to 200 lbs. I lost a lot of muscle also. I used to play American football (tackle), and I required a lot of muscle and bulk. I'd like to build more muscle up, in the future.


I just wanted to say, its 100% possible if you stay dedicated. I lost over 100 lbs, and I thank God everyday that I did. I feel healthier, and more confident.



Thats great for you man.

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I managed to get down to 115 since I last posted. I've maintained this weight for a couple of months now. Although I'd still like to be a bit lower, I don't think I can keep that low for the long term, which is what I need to do right now. I'm trying not to get below 114 or above 116.


* * * ? I gain 6 pounds just eating dinner,

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Thats great for you man.


Thanks bro. Living in China helped too... Walk everywhere, eat mostly low cal food. I need protein though. It's destroyed my muscle. No protein and lack of a good gym.


I can't complain to much though. I just need to take care of that myself. Only thing I'm ashamed of is, I have a little extra skin. You can't really notice it, but I can tell its there. :sad: In the next 6 months, I'm entering the military. I'd like to get somewhere between 200-215 lbs (add a little muscle) somewhere before that time.

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