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The last straw


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Tonight my son, after a day of drinking, asked me to take him to the Emergency Room because he didn't feel good.

On the way there, he got increasingly belligerent.

When we got there, he wouldn't get out and after a lot of arguing, I decided to take him home, inthe hope that he would sleep it off.


On the way home, he let the car door open and I had to pull him back inside. He said he didn't care, he wanted to die. Then, he proceeded to shatter the windshield by kicking it. He took off his pants and said he wanted to urinate and defacate in my car.


He said he wanted to murder me.


Then, at a junction he WHOMPED me in the face-I saw stars. He kept on doing this and began to pull my hair, like he wanted to yank it out of its roots. I was veering off the road in pain. I bit and smacked him back but he still kept coming...When we reached our driveway, he pulled very hard on my hair. I opened the door and screamed bloody murder. Got my phone and was puncing inthe numbers when he ran away, pantless...


I decided to go to a hotel, then turned around, because I have a younger son at home, who I think shouldnt have to deal with this alone-the older son CONSTANTLY says he's going to commit suicide.


So, my older son was crashed out on the couch and I hope he'll stay there till morning, tho I think he'll still be drunk and belligerent..


BUT the difference is that this is the last straw for me. I always vowed that if anyone put their hands on me, it'd be the end.


Sad that it has to be my son....any thoughts??

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Yep - this one is out of your control. The only person who can take responsibility for himself is HIM, and he needs to face charges for assault and criminal damage. You don't say how old he is, but is there any particular reason why he's living with you anyway?


It's really sad that it's your son. But you wouldn't be doing him any favours by protecting him from the consequences of his own actions, and you'd only be setting yourself up for more of the same treatment.

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Hey, is there anyone that you can go to for help? It sounds like this kind of stuff (manipulation, control issues) have been going on for a while... It sounds like you could use a case manager type of situation to help you sort it out. This is dangerous for you and your other son so you must be really careful about how you proceed from here.

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Sweetie, please don't put up with this behavior from him. If he's threatening suicide and being violent, there is definitely a psychological problem. You can have him committed to a facility where he can get some help. He is a threat to himself and to others. Please don't wait.


Big hugs,



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Jail time is the best answer (that's where he belongs for assault, esp even worst if the woman is his own mother, I can't think of any name for that type of man other than he's the lowest of all). I bet he won't he answering like that if he had cops cornering him. Suicide excuse he invents, he's feeding you with that crappy line. If he really was suicidal he wouldn't even have talked about it, he would have done it already. Lastly being drunk is no excuse ever for hitting someone.

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You're welcome and hopefully you'll start applying NC (no contact) on him till he proves that he has reformed plus serves jail time. Let him know that saying sorry isn't enough to what he had done. Tell him something like this line ''It's unforgivable what you did, it really has no name for it and now you can't forget about me, you're not my son no more, forget that I'm your mother'' and then walk away. Don't accept his apologies.

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