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That's good that you want to make an effort but remember that relationships aren't simple b/c all relationships have problems. So don't think that if you get in another relationship that starts having problems that you failed or you're doomed in love.

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thanks - i am sure you're right - i guess i will follow more straightforward rules like

dont fall in love with girls with boyfriends

dont fall in love with girls that are friends with all of your friends

dont depend on notoriously flippant/ unreliable people

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when someone tells you how amazing you are and how much they adore you and how decent and kind and romantic and sensitive you are, and then leaves you for someone else without taking any of it back, it leaves you needing some sort of explanation, some sort of affirmation that these values are not enough, or that you dont have them. One or the other

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"Told her not to contact me"


Works real well, doesn't it?


well it has worked so far for 2 days but if the past teaches me anything about the future i should expect to run into her or hear from her in 2-3 months

i will endeavour not to get sucked in

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when someone tells you how amazing you are and how much they adore you and how decent and kind and romantic and sensitive you are, and then leaves you for someone else without taking any of it back, it leaves you needing some sort of explanation, some sort of affirmation that these values are not enough, or that you dont have them. One or the other


But in the end, it doesn't matter what the explanation is b/c it won't help you any.

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