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I have been in LC for 6 months, and havent moved on

every time she calls/emails, I have these irrational expectations that its for a reason other than to "catch up" and be friendly

it disappoints me every time to discover that reconciliation is the last thing on her mind, and it disappoints me to find that we still connect so well, and yet she doesnt want me back

So, I asked her to forget about me for the moment, and when I want to call her/see her for the right reasons, ie not for romantic reasons, then I will.

I dont see any other way. She so wants to be friends, but I cannot put my feelings behind me. Hopefully this will be what I need.


she made it pretty easy for me - she said "there is nothing you can do"

that was 6 months ago

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to be honest, i have no intention of hurrying anything

contact with her is painful, complicated, and brings up emotions i simply dont need

right now, i feel like i will never get over her. If this proves to be the case, i will NEVER call her

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I can totally relate to your situation and was strung along for a few months post-break up while my ex developed a new relationship (she denied it, of course), until I found the strength and said enough was enough - stopped calling her, responding to emails/texts, etc. Initiated NC, broken a few times her over the last few months. I can also relate to the connection element - it's there for me and my ex as well, but the physical distance (over 400 miles) is what ultimately prevents any real hope for a reconciliation. That and there is now way too much history and agendas against us. I feel like my friends and family would completely lose all respect for me if I got back together with my ex, let alone stayed friends with her.


It sounds like you're in a similar situation to some degree, but also going complete NC may be the only solution. She's made it clear that nothing besides friendship (and a pseudo one at that) can be gained at this point. I myself have a hard time of keeping it at times, but the message is sent by sending no message at all sometimes.

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sounds about right

my friends and family would lose all respect for me too

In fact, i know that even if she did change her mind, i wouldnt be able to take her back -i wouldnt be able to trust her feelings were real

and yet these feelings are still there. I love her and want to be with her but know that nothing would make me trust her any time soon

so what do i do?

NC i guess

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sounds about right

my friends and family would lose all respect for me too

In fact, i know that even if she did change her mind, i wouldnt be able to take her back -i wouldnt be able to trust her feelings were real

and yet these feelings are still there. I love her and want to be with her but know that nothing would make me trust her any time soon

so what do i do?

NC i guess


Yep, we are in the same boat, brother. I have found that NC definitely helps, but my ex keeps breaking that, so I have been forced to become slightly responsive and civil. Her last email to me, I ignored, though - it was something pointless that didn't warrant a response anyway.


And I hear you about the trust thing - all sense of trust w/ my ex has been completely shattered. We could never get back together unless there was complete disclosure of everything, complete honesty, all cards were laid on the table, and we both went to intense couples therapy together...which will most likely not happen nor likely be worth the effort, ultimately.


I would think it easier to start from scratch w/ someone else, finding someone new to be in love w/. NC is a helpful stride in that direction, but it's the fear of losing something we held so near and dear that keeps me (and us) attached. The woman was my best friend and lover. I still miss that, regardless of what's happened.


And I just can't seem to *fully* let go right now...

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I agree, she is being very selfish.


I'm on the same side of things as you just now but have been on the other side. My ex couldn't let go and move on and as much as I wanted to be friends I knew it wasn't best for him. We eventually went NC.


I know my current ex would respect it if I said I was going NC and didn't want him to contact me or reply if I gave in and contacted him.

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I agree, she is being very selfish.


I'm on the same side of things as you just now but have been on the other side. My ex couldn't let go and move on and as much as I wanted to be friends I knew it wasn't best for him. We eventually went NC.


I know my current ex would respect it if I said I was going NC and didn't want him to contact me or reply if I gave in and contacted him.


your ex that wouldnt move on - why did you break up with him?

also, did you tell him the real reasons at the time/ever?

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to be honest, i have no intention of hurrying anything

contact with her is painful, complicated, and brings up emotions i simply dont need

right now, i feel like i will never get over her. If this proves to be the case, i will NEVER call her


Hey mate, have read a bunch of your posts in the last month or so, and must say that you are doing the right thing. But you have to stick to it, you cannot break it.


I told my ex in our final call I needed time to myself to try and heal, and mentioned a month as the time frame. She sent a facebook request after 8 days, and an sms after 18. I ignored both.


Wanna know how long NC has been going for now? 80 days.


The moral of the story is, don't be surprised if after being NC for a while, you just feel like the time to break it will be never.

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Hey mate, have read a bunch of your posts in the last month or so, and must say that you are doing the right thing. But you have to stick to it, you cannot break it.


I told my ex in our final call I needed time to myself to try and heal, and mentioned a month as the time frame. She sent a facebook request after 8 days, and an sms after 18. I ignored both.


Wanna know how long NC has been going for now? 80 days.


The moral of the story is, don't be surprised if after being NC for a while, you just feel like the time to break it will be never.


i do feel like that anyway. Dont envisage myself EVER wanting to be friends.


sadly I may not be able to avoid her, since she was friends with my sister before we got together. Still, i HOPE that she will leave me alone

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Im lucky that my ex is from a town I will never go to again.


Look, its fkn hard to think Ill never see her again, never hear her voice again, never have anything to do with her ever again. But what good would friendship do, knowing she is sleeping with another guy?


She skipped my birthday last week too, so clearly she cares very little about me anyway. There is nothing left for me in relation to her, its a closed, albeit massive, chapter in my life. An exciting, fun, loving, but ultimately sad one...

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If only it were that simple...


jeez i miss her tonight.


i know..


im doing through the same thing.. its so hard to "let go"


but you have to try to let go.. you have to do the work of letting go..


you cant just sit here and feel sorry for yourself that your never going to find love and this and that.. u will find love, u will be ok.. and in a year from now you will look back at this and cant believe u even acted that way..


but to do this you must move on and let go..


if u need anyone to talk to pm me.. i know what ur going through..


day 19 of NC for me

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your ex that wouldnt move on - why did you break up with him?

also, did you tell him the real reasons at the time/ever?


We had been having problems for months and split many times, sometimes it was him and sometimes it was me. Eventually I just had enough and made the final decision. As soon as I moved in with him he changed, I have no idea why but it wasn't nice to live with him. He knew the reasons as we'd spoke about them during previous break ups.

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