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i'm a senior in high school. A buddy of mine recently told me that the girl i have had an interest in since i layed my eyes on her was a "flirt". I really should'nt believe what I hear......but....well, what are the REAL signs that she is interested in me?

heres the facts of what happens everyday in my class- 8)


-she asks me to dance with her even though she knows i can't dance for beans! I have a childcare class which I take care of kids and there is a time called "music time" where the kids dance)


-she smiles at me when i make eye contact with her we chit chat about basically the other kids (this could be just a friendlly gesture)


-she (i would guess) speaks louder than normal when talking to her friends..and i over heard her talkin about her boyfriend..(is that a sign from her to me to move on?)


-i read to the kids and also clean the dishes since that class also supplies food time for the kids too.....and she takes "glimpses" of me from time to time and when i look at her..she turns her head away fast....it seemed a bit obvious....but when i move to a diffrent direction..i see her eyes that looked very much like this-




well, to the expert analysis's of this area of expertise.......what do you see in this?...do you see a moment not to miss for or do you see an attempt to push me away?


Thank you to all who read this-



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talk to her a littel bit more and get to know her, you cant really start anything serious if she has a boyfriend but that doesnt mean you cant hang out with her now, after awhile if she looses the bf go for it man youve got nothing to loose and if you dont go then u wil just regret it

good luck man

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I think she likes you for what its worth. She may be intimidated by you a little because you're probably not showing her the time of day. It looks like shes obviosly trying desperately to get your attention but you are still trying to figure out if she really likes you or not. But how will either of you ever know if one of you dont break the ice. Just ask her. sure everyone hates rejection but its not the end of the world. remember be yourself because women (some) can smell a fony from a mile away. And dont keep wondering what to do. some thing require a leap. you dont want her to get bored especially if shes the flirt you friend says she is you might miss an opportunity. and that whole boyfriend thing I think is a bunch of B.S. she wants you. 'cause you da man. [/b]

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