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He proposed to me... after 3 months

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There is no formula concerniong engagements and marriage. A couple could get married after knowing each other for only a week and be together till death. On the other end another couple could be engaged and living together for decades, decide to get married and divorce ina couple of years. Its all about how much two people are committed to each other and to work out problems as they arise. It is unrealistic for someone to expect to enter into marriage problem-free. There will always be a need for compromises throught.

Even arranged marriages can last a lifetime. Do what feels right to you OP. Dont follow any man-made formulas. It takes decades to really get to know someone.

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My husband did the same thing...I told him I wanted to wait a little longer and get to know him better. We lived together for a while and went through SO many trials together that by the time he finally proposed again I knew I was ready. I was afraid he would leave me too and it scared me to DEATH that he was rushing...I almost dumped him because of it. My family has a bad history of controlling marriages and I could see the red flags waving. But we waited and we grew together and now we are happily married. Do what YOU feel is right. He will wait, even if he complains about it!

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Out of the people who posted "too soon" on this thread, I'd like a show of hands: how many have actually been married? I have a feeling most are just parroting the prevailing opinion.


On the other hand, everyone knows someone who married quickly and is happy decades later. My sister in law's parents got engaged after knowing each other a week. Together 30 or 40 years now. I met them, and those people still love each other.


50% of marriages in the US divorce, and I'm sure just about all of those wait until it's not "too soon". So you're really not upping your odds by following the consensus opinion. I'd say if it feels right, just go for it.

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