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I am kind of new to this but here goes. I am still madly in love with a guy I dated for two years. We have been broke up almost a month. It has felt like an eternity. I wake up and go to bed thinking about him. Things were really serious between us we had picked out rings, and mind you this was all his idea. Our relationship was good! We has so much fun together it is was really cool. He promised me the world and then some, so of course I fell hard. Now, I have had not contact with him and he has not at all tried to contact me. It is obvious that he wants his space but how can you go from loving someone that much to not caring what in the world happens to him. I ran into him downtown at a club the other night and after seeing him I have not been able to shake the thought of wanting to talk to him. I dont know if it is over for good or he just needs time to grow up. His "breakup" excuse was my mond is just twisted and I need some time to figure things out. It has nothing to do with you. I still love you and care for you but I just cant have a realtionship right now. Granted he is a senior in college and has alot on him but does all this sound like bull crape. He has never lied to me before so I want to believe there is still hope for us. I miss him so much and I am miserable. Can anyone help me.

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People get bored of sure things. What's the use of spending time and energy for the love of someone if you already have that?

People don't put a high price on things they already have for sure. People fight to keep things that might lose and to get new things. A little "coolness" and idea of insecurity is always welcomed.


If interested in not losing something important and without better options he will probably contact you. Meanwhile, calm down, have fun, search for some other possible friends.

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It might be good for you to try to move on and to find something better. Dwelling on him isn't going to do any good unless he has mutual feelings, so why do it. Have fun, be silly, and better yet, make him jelous. But focus more on making you happy. Find someone better, and love your life from then on

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hi my opinion is that sometimes you have to just stick it out.I know this is really really hard as you care for him so much and is constantly on your mind.I would give him some space, like he said he needed.Dont contact him if possible cause he has to know what hes missing.If you do contact him it may turn out negative, and i know it is so unfair at the moment...but by not contacting him it may reinforce his feelings for you and remind him how much he misses you.

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As much as we don't want to acknowledge it, ususally when were told... "It's not you...you're wonderful, it's ME...I need space, I need time, I'm confused....iI'm too busy at work, etc. it's all a "gentle" way of breaking it off. That includes...You're wonderful, BUT ....


Lets face it, if we want something badly enough, we will find the time, make the time, and do what it takes to make it happen.


I've said these things to people who have cared about me too...there is no easy way to break up with someone, especially if you have a heart and you know the person cares for you...it's just plain NOT any easy thing to do.




Good luck & take care,

Woobiegirl doesn't matter how much you love someone, if it isn't the right person it is doomed to fail at some point.

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wow 2 yrs thats crazy insane that he all the sudden gives up..how often did you 2 hang out for? it could be because hes busy with other stuff..i unno what only u would know what those things might be..were yall good with communication..? if not that may be why also, this guy sounds like a real sweet talker..ide stay away hes playin mind games with u and ur better than that !! hes being to immature u dont need that in ur life u need to tell ur self u are better then this and theres a better guys for me that will satisfie my every need..u need to look forward..hey u never know there may be the perfect guy for u right in front of u..keep ur doistance n contact from ur ex he seems like a real piece of crap lol..well i hope i helped u out some..i may be 16 but i can relate to ur problem..so contact me if u need ne more further advice

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