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Five Negative Qualities about yourself.


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You mean I only get to list five things? I hardly got started.


I had the opposite problem


discussed this with my enemies and friends and they had trouble coming up with 5 altogether


it's hard when you're perfect

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2. Over Analyze WAYYY too much to where I can't sleep at night sometimes.


3. Negative minded toward myself 90% of the time.


4. Hate to read, thus studying is difficult.


5. I am stubborn, stubborn, AND STUBBORN.

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1. I can be a bit of a snob sometimes

2. Procrastination in some areas

3. I have far too much clutter in my home (house is too small for my stuff)

4. I have zero tolerance for stupid drivers

5. I think I'm entering a midlife crisis

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1. i am a bit snobbish.

2. i know how to make the best out of a situation, and it could result in cheating the system. that means i am not very honest.

3. i am becoming too independent.

4. i do not like to do housework.

5. i do not like children.

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1. I take my own stress and tiredness out on other people, by being irritable and/or, going into myself.


2. I'm very critical of others.


3. I'm beginning to treat a lot of men with suspicion as all being sex-mad maniacs. Really, my feminism has got out of control in the past few months, I don't know why...


4. I can be very lazy.


5. I talk too fast.

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1. Ugly: Reason why I never had a gf. I been turned down and rejected many times because of my looks. I'm always judged by my looks and height. Majority of the time looks are first impressions. Still today I never had a date yet and never kissed a girl.

2. Short: I'm only 5'3, Being short is so hard to attract a girl, a lot of girls wants a tall guy and not a short guy. I also been turned down because of my height.

3. unattractive: I Can't attract any girls that share the same interests as me. Even girls who likes cars, or the same sports, food and music as me, they don't want to get to know me because I'm not handsome or attractive

4. deformed: I was born with a bone disorder, which is very hard to attract a girl. I also been turned down because of my bone disorder.

5. Poor: I work part time earning less than 20k a year and still living at home. Making less than $20k a year and still living at home is unattractive to many girls. I'm still job searching for full time work but nothing at all.

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1. Ugly

2. Short

3. unattractive

4. deformed

5. Poor


I'd say 3/5 are subject to interpretation.


for me:

1. I'm stubborn.

2. Self-righteous

3. Prone to passive-aggressiveness if I feel vulnerable

4. I have trouble asking for help

5. A slight superiority complex sometimes

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1. Impatient when I want results

2. I expect a LOT out of people, more than they can fulfill

3. On the whiny side

4. Given to mild forms of road rage, like following someone or staring

5. Easily suspicious


(Hm, we only get to list 5 ... ? lol ...)

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2. I expect a LOT out of people, more than they can fulfill


I teamed up with a girl once that does the same thing. I gave her more respect because of this "negative" quality.

We were in a group of 5, and one guy wanted to slack due to his other obligations (Legitimate reason), the girl just put him on the spot and forcefully tell him that this group project is his priority. I find myself liking that.


(Hm, we only get to list 5 ... ? lol ...)


I think the OP who created the "Five Positive Qualities" wanted us to focus on the positive side of us. So when I began this thread, I felt like I'm playing the devil's advocate by telling others to think of 5 negative things about them...

May we all come to the *Dark Side*

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- I can sometimes be too tolerant/patient

- I worry a lot

- Can't pass a soccer ball to save my life!

- I tend to collect lots of stuff that I don't particularly need

- Can be too open.


That's me exactly! Well, minus the soccer bit but hey.

I'd replace that with, I can be too clingy at times... Smothering, even.


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I hope you guys can create something from within you to be your 5 top priorities without peeking at what others wrote.

Whoops... Should have thought/read that before reading. Yeesh. Well I'll list what I have been trying to work on that I see are problems.


-I cling to people too much [or the idea of the person sometimes]

-I am lazy. Horribly lazy. But have no desire to be, yet have no idea how to fix it.

-I am extremely disorganized. I can get something in order, then it'll be back where it was within a few hours at least.

-I have a tendency to take things personally too often.

-And, finally, I am not the best at following through with plans. Be it hang-out plans, plans to improve myself, any plans in general.


and... let's add a sixth for kicks- I get too wordy, I have no idea how to say what I need to say simply... [maybe to be sure I am understood? I overkill it though.]

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1. Total procrastinator. Unless I'm in an environment where I have to be on the job, I'll frequently be distracted by more entertaining things.

2. Emotionally closed. Given that I moved around a lot when I was young, I'd frequently have to leave friends behind. As such, I don't put as much value in trust and seeking help as I probably should.

3. Obliviousness. I live so much inside my head I often miss what's going on outside of it.

4. Chronic introversion. Not that valuing alone time is a bad thing, but when you realise that you spent most nights over the past year alone, it might be time to open the old address book.

5. I'm also frequently given to negative emotions and states of mind. It may be getting to the stage where I should seek the local psych.

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1 - i can be rude, especially to people i deem unworthy

2 - i really dislike children

3 - i can be untidy and messy

4 - sometimes lazy

5 - i focus on myself too much, and care about me more so than others. this, per se, is obviously normal and healthy but sometimes i do it too excess.

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Five negative qualities about me.............


1. i lack self confidence

2. i have an addictive personality

3. i wear my heart on my sleeve

4. i am wayyyy to trusting of people

5. i lack direction

me.. me... definitely me.

Though my self confidence is boosting up, as I try daily to look at what I CAN do, what I AM good at, what I am doing RIGHT. And relying less on others for my happiness. Not that I doubt them or their ability to do so, just that it's not fair to expect them to always keep me happy when I can't even do it for myself. Plus it makes it easier on them, as I am already happy on my own. *shrugs*

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1. I'm afraid to open up to my SOs, i feel i'd be burdening them.

2. I hate.

3. I talk down to people, even though I'm aware that I'm lucky to have intelligence.

4. I break promises to myself, despite the fact I would love nothing more than to become this amazing person I've dreamed of for so long.

5. I'll critisze people heavily for being afraid to die. I don't know why, I just feel its a crime.


Feels a bit better to see it written out in front of me.

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