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Last Strategy, Told him i will Let him go.


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i made the mistake of ignoring him for a couple of days about less than 5 times over the past 9 months. ( we are together for almost 3 years. ) he is a emotional person, but i didn't know this will hurt him so much. last week, i did it again. but i am always back to normal on the third day or so. he couldn't take it, he ignored me for many days and then text we shouldn't see each other for a while.


i panicked. i sent 3 emails, and did my best not to pester him. i did apologise and said i truly know my mistake and will love him the right way. this morning, he text he imagined me sitting in front of him but couldn't look into my eyes, and he felt unhappy. i tried to get him to meet for me a while, he said no. i replied, i will leave you alone, but i am not ignoring you, i will not contact you until you sms me.


but i did some thinking. i feel that he is hinting he has lost his feelings to me. is no point i keep waiting and letting him know that i am waiting, he will not treasure me this way and NC will not have any effect. so i screwed up my courage, text that i felt that he wants to leave, he replied maybe you are right. i expected it, so i said then i will let you go and wish you happy sincerely.


ok, so i have declared official break up. i will go into NC the way i want it. This is the only best option i think. right now i feel better than waiting. i feel that he is the one who has to face this decision he had made, not me.


any comments please?

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It seems like you were both dancing round the issues without talking about it properly. All that texting an SMSing seems to have got in the way of effective communication.


Are you sure you want to finish it and are you ready to move on?


If so, good luck and NC will definitely be wise, especially given the brief history you posted.


If not, try and see him face to face to see if you can salvage anything.

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thank you for your advice. yes, i did want to talk face to face, he was the one refusing my call and my request to meet. actually i felt that he was either playing mind game or being immature. he drove me up the wall. i could really talk calming and constructively. after several attempts, i knew i had to change strategy, that is to give up.


i could only text him becos he won't talk to me. so i text i will let him go and wish him happy. i think he still wanted to make me beg, said maybe i was right, and maybe we were not meant to be together. after i text goodbye, i didn't reply anymore. and guess what, within one hour, he was knocking at my door, calling to say he wanted to see me.


i didn't make things difficult for him. i let him in and talked calmly, didn't make a drama out of it, didn't cry, just behave normal and steady. i felt no emotion inside actually, no joy, no anger, no frustration, nothing. i don't hate him, i still like him, but something inside died. i really feel that everytime we fought, he was making a fool out of me, wanting to see me beg. right now, i don't care for him as much as before. we are back together, i'll take some time to figure out what is going on.

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