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40 days 40 nights


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I watched part of this movie a few weeks ago and didn't really think a lot about it. Until this week. Based on my doctors orders, I am not supposed to have an orgasm for a full week by any means. No big deal I think. Well this is day 3 for me and it is pretty tough to concentrate already. 40 days/ 40 nights would be a lot tougher than I previously thought.


Have any of you ever gone through with something like the 40 days and 40 nights? Did you make it and how did it work out for you? I am curious to see what kind of stories come out of this.

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Sex is a basic human need so it's obviously hard to not think about. But think about this: when you're really, really tired and you haven't slept for 60 hours all you want is a nice long sleep. Then all of a sudden a hot woman appears in front of you offering you sex - which do you choose?


You just need to find something that's highly addictive and will take your mind off it. Since sleeping 24 hours a day isn't possible try going for 10 hours a night and with the remaining 14 hours keep yourself occupied by shooting up heroin or playing World of Warcraft. You'll only think about where/when you can get your next fix or only thinking about leveling up your Blood Elf.

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I tried this before. Just as an experiment of sorts. I think it drove me to the brink of insanity.


By restricting myself, I ended up wanting it even more. Telling myself "no" just makes the desire skyrocket. Think of it as forbidden fruit syndrome... I want what I can't have, and when I want something, I want it bad.


It is doable though. Just frustrating. Very, very frustrating. But I like to challenge myself.


Good Luck. Unfortunately I can't say it gets any better. Until the end, that is. :splat:

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But can't you just NOT do it? Especially if it's for a health reason. I know all about the wanting to do it. It's like how sometimes I want to eat that packet of chips and I will usually give in because there's no real harm in it, but if a doctor told me not to do it for a week for whatever reason, I just wouldn't do it. Surely testosterone can't have that much of an influence on your will power. That seems pretty weak to me.

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But can't you just NOT do it? Especially if it's for a health reason. I know all about the wanting to do it. It's like how sometimes I want to eat that packet of chips and I will usually give in because there's no real harm in it, but if a doctor told me not to do it for a week for whatever reason, I just wouldn't do it. Surely testosterone can't have that much of an influence on your will power. That seems pretty weak to me.

I'm pretty sure I'd be subconsciously humping the mattress by day 5.

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I made it for about 2 weeks until the problem decided to take care of itself


I had a friend who attempted it.

He tried and made it quite far, until he woke up one morning soaked...he thought he wet his bed...but he had ejaculated during his sleep.

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I kicked the habit a year or so. It's like giving up cocaine or heroine. Physiologically the chemical reactions you receive from orgasm are similar to synthetic highs at least.


There wasn't really any particular reason, I just wanted to prove that I could. Mental discipline and the like. That's really all there is to it. It was difficult since I have an extraordinarily high libido and prior to that was typically masturbating twice a day.


Incidentally, when it ended it probably set a world record for "most far reaching" orgasm if you catch my drift.

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Come on! A week? Anyone can do that.



I can only speak for myself.....but no way could I go that long without it.


I'd wake up jerkin it. No doubt.



If I tried that, i'd probably have to keep my junk in warm water most of the time, just to stay limp.



I can't even remember the last time I went two days without an orgasm. It just seems crazy not to do it.

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Okay, so what about guys who claim that they don't masturbate? Fundamentalists, I'm talking to you...Do they just do it in their sleep and not worry about it or are they just flat-out lying to everyone?



I assume they pray for awhile after wacking it.




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I once attended a military course when I was 16 during which I went 3 weeks without, and did not have any 'wet dreams' either.


One thing to note though: the course was very demanding, mentally and physically .. there was no exposure to media at all and to be frank.. you don't think about sex unless something triggers it for you. I have always had a very high sex drive (need to have sex or masturbate at least once or twice a day, everyday).. but despite that, I didn't have any trouble getting through this course.


If one is to simply avoid orgasm, yet is still exposed to "stimulation" (physical, visual, intellectual, etc), then a common result is a "wet dream" (nocturnal emissions). It becomes extraordinarily easy to orgasm when enough time has passed and sex is on your mind.. even the thought itself can be sufficient.


I, too, am curious as to what medical reason requires no orgasms.

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I went about three weeks once pre Internet days before I got laid in High School. My buddies and I got wind somehow of a theory that if you jerk off you don't try as hard to get girls and they notice the poor effort. And guys who don't jerk off go all out and get the girl.


Three weeks in I'm still getting no attention from the ladies so let me tell you...I let loose something fierce into my bathroom sink. I was smart enough to know I was going to have a huge mess on my hands anywhere else.


With the Internet I don't last more than 2 days tops.

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