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I haven't rubbed one out since yesterday, Which means that i'll probably miss some sleep while I go at it about 3 times in a little bit.



No way could I do without it.


Yeah no kidding. I actual rub them out for purely medicinal purposes sometimes. Great sleep aid and headache reliever.

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I have gone without doing so for a week. i have to tell you, when the third day arrived I was already starting to lose my mind. I have much testosterone and many urges, so it really started to take its toll once the week went on. When you wake up hard, spend the day hard, and fall asleep hard it is hard to resist temptations.


We were simply made to oblige.

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This thread is strange. I'm not undersexed by any means - I've done it 3-4 times in one day, and I'm in my 40's - but it's always been a matter of "want" rather than "need." If I go several days without (and it happens) I don't have any "difficulty concentrating."


I've never had a wet dream. Ever. Actually, I kind of wish I could - I find sex dreams incredibly frustrating because I never feel anything during, and I certainly never get an O that way.

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This thread is strange. I'm not undersexed by any means - I've done it 3-4 times in one day, and I'm in my 40's - but it's always been a matter of "want" rather than "need." If I go several days without (and it happens) I don't have any "difficulty concentrating."


I've never had a wet dream. Ever. Actually, I kind of wish I could - I find sex dreams incredibly frustrating because I never feel anything during, and I certainly never get an O that way.

I would guess the fact that you can go several days without and don't have difficulty concentrating and the fact that you've never had a wet dream are related.


Try going without long enough to have a wet dream. By the time you have the wet dream, you'll find that women preoccupy your thoughts.

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Yeah no kidding. I actual rub them out for purely medicinal purposes sometimes. Great sleep aid and headache reliever.



I've only done it once to stop a pain.


Once I had some weird pain in my peni, that kept going.


It was a shooting pain that happened about every 5 or so seconds.


I rubbed one out and it stopped.


I think it might have been clogged up.



I dunno if this happens to anyone else, but when I have the flu, or i'm sick with a cold, and my body is hurting. When I masturbate. the orgasms I have are extremely intense.


Anyone else like that?

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This thread is strange. I'm not undersexed by any means - I've done it 3-4 times in one day, and I'm in my 40's - but it's always been a matter of "want" rather than "need." If I go several days without (and it happens) I don't have any "difficulty concentrating."


I've never had a wet dream. Ever. Actually, I kind of wish I could - I find sex dreams incredibly frustrating because I never feel anything during, and I certainly never get an O that way.



I've never had a sex dream.


I wouldn't mind one. Atleast I would be getting some action in some form. Even if it isn't real.

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Okay, so what about guys who claim that they don't masturbate? Fundamentalists, I'm talking to you...Do they just do it in their sleep and not worry about it or are they just flat-out lying to everyone?


I'm not a fundamentalist but I don't masturbate. It just feels like a waste of time and a touch pathetic (personal view of the act, not a judgment of others). Never seemed to bug me and I've never woken up to a messy morning.

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I'm not a fundamentalist but I don't masturbate. It just feels like a waste of time and a touch pathetic (personal view of the act, not a judgment of others). Never seemed to bug me and I've never woken up to a messy morning.

You don't masturbate and you've never had nocturnal emissions? Are you having sex regularly all year round (i.e., in a relationship)? If so, that would explain it.

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And how exactly would you know this? It certainly doesn't come from experience.



Well....................you might have a point.



I might have to try that since it would be my only action.



I rarely ever remember any of my dreams.


I've never had a dream that involved any sexual contact.

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Nope, I do not. Now let the accusation of lying begin!

I don't think you're lying. Perhaps you produce a relatively small ejaculate, so you don't notice it b/c it's dry by the time you wake up.


But if in fact you are not ejaculating periodically, via sex, masturbation, or nocturnal emissions (assuming you're under 50), then it seems to me that you are not producing much sperm. The male body constantly creates new sperm, and has to get rid of the old sperm. Since the latter is not happening, something is amiss.

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I don't think you're lying. Perhaps you produce a relatively small ejaculate, so you don't notice it b/c it's dry by the time you wake up.


But if in fact you are not ejaculating periodically, via sex, masturbation, or nocturnal emissions (assuming you're under 50), then it seems to me that you are not producing much sperm. The male body constantly creates new sperm, and has to get rid of the old sperm. Since the latter is not happening, something is amiss.


I'm fine, I assure you.

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I'm fine, I assure you.

I'm sure you feel fine, but how one feels is relative to what one has experienced.


What I suggested in my last post is that the male body is designed to expel old sperm to make room for new sperm (the body has a limited holding capacity). Whether or not you feel "fine", if you are not periodically expelling sperm, something is malfunctioning. Low testosterone? Who knows, but this is abnormal.


I would suggest you have it checked out (but check to make sure that you really are not experiencing nocturnal emissions first - that's the simplest answer).

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I'm sure you feel fine, but how one feels is relative to what one has experienced.


What I suggested in my last post is that the male body is designed to expel old sperm to make room for new sperm (the body has a limited holding capacity). Whether or not you feel "fine", if you are not periodically expelling sperm, something is malfunctioning. Low testosterone? Who knows, but this is abnormal.


I would suggest you have it checked out (but check to make sure that you really are not experiencing nocturnal emissions first - that's the simplest answer).


Checked on both counts and I'm fine, thanks for your concern.

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