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What do I think? Personally, I think Karen is having her cake and eating it too. Mark, you are giving her feel good vibes just by being there for her, you dont need to do that and she does not deserve anything from you while she is in the other relationship. Let him provide for her emotionally. If he is not able to provide all the fulfillment she needs and she has to come to you for the remainder then backing off and letting her realize this herself may be a good thing.


I realized a week or so ago that my ex was doing the same thing, calling me all through the week and then seeing her long distance fling on weekends. So when I realized this, part of her cake spoiled. She still calls several times a week, rarely do I answer, and I never call back. I will not fulfill her emotionally, it is not my place anymore, she is not my mate.


Karen needs to make a decision and you need to step back until she does so. What she is doing is selfish and self-centered. One way or another someone gets hurt. Be cordial to her, talk to her when she calls, but somehow and someway she needs to choose. She is stringing you along, very unfair.


On an upnote, and it probably sounds like I am contradicting myself here but it may be a good idea to go see her so soon after he leaves. I know it will be tough because knowing that she was just with him will be weighing on your mind but look at it this way. You have contacts that may be able to reveal his shortcomings, heck you already know some of them. Go see her and exploit those shortcomings, provide for her what he has not. Be grown up, she says he is too young right. Be the guy you know she wants. Strong, confident, in tune with her and accomodating to her internal wants and needs. Leave a strong impression that she cannot forget as soon as he comes back around. If she does not respond to all of this you can look at it as a final effort, you tried.

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Thanks! Yeah, I agree with you all the way.


I'm sure she's gonna tell the other guy that I'm coming up and that will really piss him off.

She's not really being fair to him either.

Poor guy. He leaves, and I show up the next day. That's bad.

BTW, he is not coming back to Denver or anything.

He lives on Baltimore and is apparently staying there.


As for me, this whole thin sucks and I'm hurt and very angry.

But I have to do this and get some closure on way or the other, good or bad.

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