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Day 11


Wow woke up this morning and couldnt even remember what day NC I was on.


Things are on the up!


Keep going melting, it only gets better!!


Day... gone 4 months now and I stopped counting days a long time ago.


About 2 minutes ago while posting in response to a thread on here I literally froze because it hit me - I am not in love with him anymore. I don't love him anymore. Wow. I have no idea why I'm crying about this, it is amazing.

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Keep going melting, it only gets better!!


Day... gone 4 months now and I stopped counting days a long time ago.


About 2 minutes ago while posting in response to a thread on here I literally froze because it hit me - I am not in love with him anymore. I don't love him anymore. Wow. I have no idea why I'm crying about this, it is amazing.


Day.... Somewhere past 10 months (its not important to me anymore)


Keep on keeping on, guys, you can pull through this.

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Day one....


This is going to be really hard, because we weren't quite together and more like best friends. It's also going to be difficult because my birthday is in a week, and I am positive he is going to want to do something.


But nevertheless, I need to back off. It's the only way to still remain friends, and he's worth that. I am not going to initiate contact with him for 30 days and will not respond unless necessary. It's been one day without contact. Not so bad so far, but I tried this about a week ago and literally felt crippled by day four...which is the longest we have gone without talking in over 2 years.

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Day 12


I really wish I had more control months ago, I kept breaking NC and he wasn't helping. Today after 12 days I feel soooooooooo much better!


None of us ever at the beginning of our BU's can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but just know.... it is there and I am heading towards it!


Keep up the good work everyone, it truly is worth it.

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Day 14


Well I almost messed up last night and contacted him. I wrote a text when I was sad and a little drunk, but did not send it. Thank God!

Tomorrow I have to face him at work again, such a hard journey. Very hard to look the one in the face who ripped your heart out.

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Day two of NC, second time around. I lasted six days and ended up right back at the start. While I've only been broken up or three week, it seem like an eternity and two days is huge. Full of drama, but it's so hard to realise this is the best and only way for me to heal. I promised myself the first time I started NC that I would focus on myself... But I needed answers and broke it to seek where he was at after the BU. My last contact was a text saying I was finally respecting his wishes for space. It's his birthday this week, and with Valentines just around the corner as well as what would have been our 8 months, I am already pressured and almost rebroke my promise. I have given myself a month to improve on myself, to turn around the unattractiveness that is neediness. If I do still feel as strongly, I will pursue it... Given I'm confident again, and will handle everything thrown back at me. I am on a mission to refind myself. I will regain my confidence and self worth.


Final thought of the day is letting go of reminders. It hurts like hell, but I'm doing this to myself and no one else. I have already been given the opportunity to seek someone else's company. It is far too soon, but in that moment I felt confident again. I don't want to use this guy, he was set up to meet me as well, after coming out of a relationship himself. But maybe in time someone will be an aid in my healing. For now, I will be my band aid.

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Day 15


I honestly, never in my wildest dreams thought I could get this far. It is a shame that what it finally took was to have my heart ripped out over and over again. To the point he has totally destroyed my soul, my faith in men and any trust I had left for them.


But I am not a loser and I will fight this battle and win it.

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Day 44


Struggling. I never thought I would get to this point (yay) but I also never thought he would never get to this point..as he always broke before even after 5 days. To me this isn't really great but still serves as encouragement. However, I wonder if I've taken a bit of a downhill turn. The dreams are doing my head in! I also just feel the emptiness, not in a crazy desperate way, but in a longing, genuinely miss that guy in my life way.

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Well I tried doing NC when he broke up with me at the end of November. The point of me doing NC then was to heal. His attitude towards me has changed. When we broke up, he was very cold towards me. But within the last few weeks, he has seemed to be warming up to me and has even talked about his feelings towards me and us working on our problems to one of my friends.


I'm doing NC for a bit now to give him the space he requested.





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