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Well I survived my first day working together and I actually got to stick to full NC, as we didn't need to talk about work.


The butterflies have left my stomach now. I tried not to look at your face at all today, incase I fell apart, but oh boy you look skinny!


Hang in there melting, you are doing great!

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I'm new here, I have just posted my bu story in the breking up forum. I'd appreciate if you read and tell me what you think...


DAY 3 of BU and NC is over. I know it's only the beginning, I hope it will get easier although I plan to break NC around day 8-10.

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Day 5 (yesterday) &

Day 6


We broke up Sept 16, 2011

She got a new boyfriend Sept 25, 2011

I made all the mistakes humanly possible to push her away and into his arms...

Last talked Oct 26, 2011



Still wake up with her on my mind. My days are mostly normal with brief moments of heartache. Still miss her too much. At some point I figure I'll get tired of asking my ceiling "why?"

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BU 1st Sept NC Day 4


I do have to say that life is getting better, would be nice if I could get you out of my head. I have no saddness, nor the desire to contact you.


Seeing your face at work every day is hard and I think it hinders my healing. Just think where I could emotionally be now, if you didn't apply for a job at my work!

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Breakup- September 30th

NC Day 9


NIC until October 23rd and NC the last 9 days has made me realize how much of a heartless person you were the last few months of our relationship. You've lied to everyone you know about how I treated you and admit it openly to me, but feel no remorse. You insulted me nonsensically and never apologized. After researching your behavior and responses to what I said/did, I believe more than ever that you suffer from psychopathy and NPD on top of your ADHD (and possible bipolarity/paranoid schizophrenia).

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Day 4


Haven't posted on this thread for a while but it helped me quite a lot during my very early NC stage for 19 days, and after NIC / LC not working for me (leading to false hope and head wrecking!) I'm back in NC land. I hope he doesn't get in touch otherwise I think I'll be OK. I think I'll be having a few wobbly moments but will ride them out

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Day 1.


Starting over again. Saw her yesterday at a meeting. I completely ignored her. Accept one time when she asked our chairman to start explaining stuff we decided on ages ago. I asked our chairman not to do so and keep the pace, then she directly spoke to me and told me she had to know what we were going on about. I told her she should've shown up the last three meetings. I kinda liked being so harsh. Besides that I hardly looked at her. Strangely enough she responds to almost everything I say and laughs incredibly hard at everything funny I say.


So after the meeting I went to visit my friends at the student association I used to be a member of and she was and still is. She didn't go there, but her girlfriends - who hate me - were. I gave up my membership and haven't been there since the break-up. It was kinda therapeutic, I actually said hi to one of her best friends as she past me, and this girl is just evil. I felt like I had to behave like it didn't matter to me at all anymore, so I did.


I'll see her again on saturday.

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Guilt. Guilt guilt guilt. I'm full of it, I feel like I dumped you when I told you to your face that I couldn't be your friend, you'd come out to see me, we did the "friend thing" for a couple of hours and then I dropped the bombshell. And you ran away. I feel guilty that I wasted your time on Saturday - how crazy is that?! I want to say sorry to you - when you ended it all!


It's bizarre to think the next time I see you will most likely be just by chance, and not something prearranged. Like before we started dating, like the relationship never happened. I'm dreading that awkwardness but I have to live for ME now.



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Day 6 of NC and BU


I'll go out for shopping in a couple of hours hoping it will make me feel better. But I know that all I will be thinking is you, whether you'd like this dress on me in order to buy it, what colour should I choose for my nails? my hair? you always said I\d look better with a lighter haircolour...

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Breakup: Oct 31, 2011

Day One NC


Since it happened, every morning as soon as I begin to wake up, I instinctually feel the way I did while we were together. My mind is still conditioned to wake up waiting to see your 'good morning sweetheart' text. Then I quickly snap back to the reality of it all. It's like going through whiplash. I guess it just means I still haven't accepted it yet but I will in time, just right now it is still so fresh. Dreamt of him last night that we were happy again. Now in the mornings especially, I have that growing feeling of nauseousness in my stomach and it feels better to cry...since it happened, I cry at random times for no more than 5 minutes at a time. I just have to let it out for that moment, then I'm okay til the next painful reminder comes along.


I am proud of myself for deleting you off of FB. As if it weren't enough that after you cheated and betrayed and lied to me, YOU broke up with ME, then ignored MY calls. I hope it shows you that I really am done. Even though I should be more concerned with me healing now, I do still hope that you will realize what life is like without me. Sad truth is, I don't think you will. You were too selfish to ever think of anyone but yourself.


I have to be strong today, I have to be at school from 1pm to 9 at night. It will be a long day indeed, a day that would always go by so much nicer with texts and calls from him. Now I have to somehow sift through the pain and gut-wrenching memories that keep filling my head to find the strength to pull through it on my own.

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day 11 = reeeeeeeeeeally don't feel like going on this new date...but he's really nice so maybe it will be a good thing I don't know...I just saw on one of my exs mutual friends wall my ex was fauning over some girl in the new james bond film I know she's a celebrity and we all do it...hell I do it all the time but it still gets to me. Just makes me feel like he doesn't care one bit about me anymore I really am in the past for him makes me feel like our whole relationship was a lie and that's really hard to forget about. I know it sounds really stupid to but I still have this orchid that he gave me too and it's about to flower again and for some stupid reason it gave me hope! I'm actually that retarded.....

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I know it sounds really stupid to but I still have this orchid that he gave me too and it's about to flower again and for some stupid reason it gave me hope! I'm actually that retarded.....


Awww This reminded me a bit of something that happened to me, my ex bought me a plant for Valentine's Day (I think!) and it started flowering in July, the last few weeks of the relationship it got attacked by an aphid swarm and the last flower dropped off just as we broke up. It's now dead


I'm a sucker for symbolism! Hope your date goes well

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BU 1st Sept..... back to day 1 again.


I truly, truly, truly have to do this... I am not a failure in life, so why am I struggling so hard with this.


Thankfully the weekend is coming up and I won't see you. Today, I am just going to stay as far away as possible and cross my fingers that I don't have to discuss work with you.

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