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No problem, I'm okay.


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I fell down the stairs,

I bumped my head


No problem, I'm okay.


They noticed I was leaving,

I had a suitcase in my hand


No problem, I'm okay.


I could hear their voices,

But not their words


No problem, I'm okay.


When you fall asleep,

She'll take your things


No problem, I'm okay.


Tell how he hurt you,

And he'll do it more often


No problem, I'm okay.


What's wrong with her now,

She doesn't speak much


No problem, I'm okay.


I eat very little,

I try not to be noticed


No problem, I'm okay.


I never go into that room,

It smells dark and empty


No problem, I'm okay.


They'll leave me behind,

Not noticing I'm absent


No problem, I'm okay.


Who are these people,

And why do they taunt me?


No problem, I'm okay.


Where is my real family,

The one's who love me?


No problem, I'm okay.


So this is what life is,

Rejection and pain?


No problem, I'm okay.


I lived through a lot,

I don't have to again


No problem, I'm finally okay.

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I don't want to say I can truly relate because in a sense my woes are probably much more trivial, but I know the feeling. I'm not the most artistic person in the world (I'm a physics guy myself but in all I've gone through in the last 6 years or so, only creative expression seems to have any lasting effect.

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I used to think my woes were trivial compared to other people's too, but what I finally realized is while that works well to keep me from feeling self-pity, it doesn't do anything for the exorcising of painful memories. It's not what happens to us, but how we perceive it that matters. Do you really think it took 40 years for me to remember well enough? No, it took that long for me to know a) I'd be okay afterward, b) it was important enough, and c) it didn't really matter if anyone thought my poem was crappy. Deeper memories and experiences often require creative expression to have a permanent positive effect for me too. Maybe they are stored differently in the brain. Last night writing that made my heart hurt physically. When I was done writing, the pain stopped.

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Thanks, tb. I've certainly been living up to my username, lol. Seriously though, I had no expectation of this much healing when I joined ena. It's just such a safe and supportive place to be I keep making progress. People such as yourself are of great assistance, thank you.

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