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Hello all!

well to start off ill cut a very long story as short as i can.....sorry if it will be long! but i need help! please!

Well i was going out with a girl for exactly 1 year until she dumped me for a very serious personal matter. About just over a month later after the break up.. the day after valentines day i asked her out again...she said YES! we went out for about just under 2 weeks and then i called her the day i got back from a school camp. she brought up the subject about us not seeing eachother very often and missing me so much...becoz of our locations to where we live and as i am still only 16 i cannot drive yet. Anywayz she didnt just want to dump me this time...she asked me if it was a good idea to break up becoz it would neva work out...i disagreed with her at first and then she kept talking about it...she told me that i was the best boyfriend she had ever had and that she probably would never love anyone else as much as me! but becoz we live so far away she didnt want to be with me. i didnt understand at first....but after about 30mins i changed my mind and agreed with her....so this was a joint decision break up...but i neva eva wanted to break up with her...a couple of dayz later i really regreted it...

can anyone help me with that one? i am really confused but I STILL LOVE HER AND WANT HER BACK SO MUCH!!


anywayz the real point i wrote this post was that the other night i went to a small family BBQ and she was there....we talked for a while about just ordinary things...then i was sitting on this chair and she was sitting accross the room right oppisite of me..she called me over and told me to sit next to her. so i did and she didnt really have my attention so she started poking me. i asked her what she wanted and she said she wanted my attention...she kept touching and poking me throughout the nite. and i did it back at her a couple of times. the nite went on and it was only me, her and my dad left in the room. she wrote a text on her fone and showed me and it said "i wish ur dad would get out the room! i want to kiss!"

i laffed at her and said "really"? my dad finally walked out and the first thing she did was move directly on top of me then kissed me! i looked at her then kissed her back. then she kissed me back 'passionately'!

well i didnt know wat to think...as she had to go she got up and gave me one more kiss! and smiled and said BYE!

i just there just like..WOAH! i didnt know what happened..

so im asking does she really want me back? coz she is pretty much of a big flirt, could she be just flirting with me?


sorry if this has been really long!

i need help! im confused!

thanx u guys!

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I think your girl may be a bit confused over the whole thing. She is attracted to you and you are attracted to her. She sounds like she is flirting but at the same time she is playing with your emotions. I think that you two should sit down and have a conversation about what is going on. Her feelings to me seemed mixed and maybe she is a little scared. She thinks the two of yall live far away, she misses you when you can't be there for her. I think its best that you play it cool with her.


Miss SB

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Thanx for ur reply Miss. Snowbunny! well appreciated!


well since u said, u think i should play cool with her..can u explain in a way..anything specific that i need to take and be extra cool with her?


i just want her back so much! i am pretty sure i love her!

i have read other forums in kind of similar situations as this, and have got advice from particular (female) friends. and to what i have learnt, is that i should just give this time, continue being friends with her, and one of my friends told me if i think that she is really the one for me then i shouldnt give up on her but still give it time. Well i tried that...i havent called her in 2 weeks...i send her the occasional email every second day. But just till that nite when i was with her! well i tried ignoring her! because i always am the one chasing after her. but she wanted my attention this time and she definetly showed it! does this mean she is showing me that she wants me back as a boyfriend? becoz by being just friends i am sometimes thinking that she will find another guy! i dont think i could take that! should i wait till she calls me first? or should i call her first to talk about this? and what kind of things should i tell her and ask?


once again! very much appreciated for anyones and everones advice!

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I think it would be best if you let her contact you first. Don't call her. Let her call you. Im not sure if she wants to be your girlfriend again. I think she is kinda playing around on you. You say that it will bother you if you saw her with another guy? Then peharps you need to back away from this situation and look at it from the outside. In a couple of words Let her come to you. GOodluck. MIss SB

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