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The need to dump by text message!!!

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Getting electronically broken up with isn't easy...cause you can't receive the closure and you never know what the other persons real feelings for doing it are... They're detached ways to get it said.


In my opinion, it doesn't necessarily make you a coward completely. If you really cared for that person, and really liked them...but realized you weren't working out...its easier to say whats really on their mind. Instead of looking at you or hearing your tears and how upset you are... Which just hurts more in the end-on the person who did it... they may care about you enough that they don't want to know they made you cry... but what "had to be done" had to be done... and instead of seeing you upset...they tell you so you can move on and find someone whose better off.


Course, it's immature and very high school ish. But there's a real reason why people do it...not just because they're cowardly...


Think about it, have you ever had to break up with someone you didn't want to make upset because they were more into you then you were to them? It's not easy to see them upset...even if you didn't share the same feelings... you cared about them, perhaps even loved them... A lot of times breaking up in person makes them rethink their actions...cause they can see how much they cared about them. So it's like a pressure moment to stay in the relationship to keep the other person happy, and not themselves...


It all really goes down to their own insecurities and strength in being able to focus on what the plan was... but I have a few guy friends who felt that was the only way they could get their exs to stop talking them into the relationship...


For a girl, we would rather they "grew some balls" and faced us. But we also have to remember they, at some point, cared about us too. However they decided to break up with you, is what they knew they could handle...so that they themselves can begin the healing process of a failed relationship.


In my opinion, take it for what it is. We all don't have the courage or strength to do what we need to do in person...thats where technology took its place...to hide how we feel and say what we want to say...

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i think it depends on the situation. How long you were together - if you were actually 'together' - then its low. Or if the other person could get abuse and voilent.


I admit ive done this. But to me it was in the 'dating' stages. It was 2 weeks. Met up a bit, hanged out as friends, then a few dates. To me anyways, but after 1 kiss i was his gf and i found out randomly. He was very strange and people around me - and even here, gave me advice and thought he was poessive, clingy, etc etc and text might be the ony way because when i couldn't do something of a plan (just part not all), i was intregated 4 an hour. then he started to beg. Then he thought i was 'breaking up with him' and was nearly about to cry. I just couldnt stay over due to a family thing and this is how he behaved.


if i was in a relationship - bf/gf, offical/exclusive etc, i could never.

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Writing from experience.


I am a person that broke up with my boyfriend through text message.


I regretted sending the text right after I sent it.


It was New Years Day 07...a day I will never forget.


My advice to anyone ever thinking of using this method...don't.


It was cowardly on my part and it was also very low of me.

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