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Since I've been gone...


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Hello everyone - thought I'd post what's been going on these last few months.


If anyone remembers, my husband left me and his children for an internet girlfriend last March (that he hadn't even met in person) after 20 years of us being together. He had basically left me and his children high and dry, wanting nothing to do with them or me.


Since then I had to get a part time job in addition to my full time one since my stbx thought he was above making child support payments and paying the marital bills. I've been working 7 days a week since August, so hence my absence.

I also had to fire my first attorney and reported her to the Attorney Regulation Board. So far it looks favorable and hopefully I will have my money refunded. What a nightmare going through a divorce and having an attorney that won't do anything. No Mediation, no Temp orders, nothing.


My new attorney is what is known as a "Super" attorney. He cut his fees in half so I could afford him, once he found out the details of my case

How I came to hear of him......well......I like to say it was Divine Intervention, because at that point I was ready to throw in the towel.


We finally had Temporary Orders today (after 1 year!) and like my new attorney said, my stbx will definitely be living in reality now (see my older posts for all the craziness).

My stbx was under the impression that every month he didn't pay child support, he 'got away' with it. Not so. He has to pay retro support with 12% interest tacked on. The judge was not pleased with him as a father. Everything else went in my favor, too much to post. The only bad part is that the courts are so backed up that the Final Orders won't be until January.


I also met someone, but am taking it really really slow and not rushing things. Luckily I can keep myself grounded in that area.


Sooooo....for those of you going through tough times, things will get better. I went through every possible emotion - good and bad.

I don't like cliche's, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And I'm glad I went through it, because I'm happier now then I ever was (thanks to the support I got on this board and from my family). And oh yeah - I remember getting some flack from a moderator about reuniting the grandkids and grandparents. Well - that relationship is going great, and my son is connecting with his uncles - a positive male role model.


Thanks again to everyone here who helped me through rough times, you all are great!

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I am so happy for you, its so wonderful to see people get through the hard times and come out even better, I think its fighting for what you believe in thats so important and feels so good. Its amazing how much strength you have, you should be so proud of how far you have come.

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