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just a quick note, it seems as though people come to this site seeking support from others experiencing the same diffcult times, although I continuiously wondered if they ever found what they were looking for or if they merely fell of the face of the earth.

with all the advice and help I received from you guys I thought I would drop you all a quick note to let you know, he called back and we are on our way to a "new" future together, largely because of the no contact rule--it really does work. 32 days and nothing, finally he called, we had short very limited conversions, for the first 5 days, evenually leading up to last night, we met for dinner, both of us were a little nervous and we actually admitted it to each other (kind of fun--again like the first date all over) after a wonderful evening of heartfelt conversion, both Brian and I know this time we will make it!! never stop believing in fate....it sometimes only needs a little nudge, for me that nudge orginated here...thanks for the words of encouragement and the awesome advice BEEC you were right, it worked!!! good luck to all, if it is meant to be, i promise it WILL work out. best wishes. Maylene




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