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A SECOND Chance?????????????


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I was told that the first girlfriend you get should be a girl that you don't like very much. The reason for this is that your first relationship usually does not last long. At first i did not believe this but now i do. It all started off at the beginning of the school year. I really wanted to get a girlfriend. Im not ugly or anything, Im just really really shy. Well i really started liking this girl and i decided that i was going to take a different aproach and actually talk to her. The more i talked to her the more i realized that i liked her. One day i was aproached by one of her friends and she told me that this girl liked me . I finally decided that i would ask her to homecoming. I got the courage and asked her. She said yes. After i asked her to homecoming i started to act really shy around her. I would never call or talk to her because i became to shy around her. I finally broke this shyness on the night of homecoming. I had a great time and i wasnt shy around her. She also had a great time. But after homecoming i became shy around her once again. A lot of time passed where i just treated her as a friend even though i still liked her i finally wrote her a poem telling her how i felt about her. She liked the peom but told me that she only saw me as friend. I soon realized i missed a very big opportunity with her because i was to shy I was sad for a couple of weeks then i finally got over it. When winterball came around (i went stag) it wasn't that great. While i was their stag i couldn't even enjoy myself because i saw her there (she was stag). When i saw her there it brought back a lot of memories. I hardly danced. The next week i was sad again because i kept on thinking about the opportunity i missed with her, i also heard that she really did like me and the reason why she rejected me was because i never talked to her. I avoided her after that (mostly because i was to embarrassed to talk to her because of the poem i wrote). I recently began talking to her again. I started liking her again also. When i was talking to her a couple of days ago she kept on telling me how nice i was. This made me think that i should probably try to start a relationship with her again. Is this a good idea? If it is how should i start this relationship again?

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Yes, you should go for it. What do you have to lose? If you try it and she doesn't reciprocate, then you don't have her. If you don't try, you don't have her either. But if you try and she is interested, you've got a girlfriend. My advice would be to not talk about the relationship too much, especially in the beginning. Just let things happen. Ask her out; ask her a lot about herself (girls LOVE that, but don't be afraid to say a bit about yourself, too). Play it cool. Do little things that let her know you like her, like hugs, and flirting, but not so much that she feel suffocated. Let her guess a bit about how you feel! Mystery is nice. That's what this guy did to me, and I fell for him and married him. Don't over analyze the whole thing to death! Have fun and be confident.

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Remember how you got her attention in the first place? By talking to her, paying her attention. This is how you're going to get her back, but don't mimic everything you did before. Just take it slow, be yourself like you've always been. Focus less on your shyness and more on her as a person. Take a deep breath and go for it You can do it!

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