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Can someone help me with a problem... Anyone???

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to know if anyone else has had this sort of problem before, well i class it as a problem. Has anyone ever felt different when with a group of people, what i mean by this is whenever im with a group of people i start to feel depressed, ill and sometimes i can be happy and full of energy. This has been happening for quite some time now i don't know but is it possible to pick other peoples emoitions and feelings to a point where you phisically affected or think that their yours because i don't really know what's going on and it's been bugging me for a while. I am shy and sometimes sensative (when i need to be). It also happens when im in lectures i can walk in fine and about half an hour i feel ill, can't concentrate or just wan't to fall asleep. I have thought about going to see the doctor but im the sort of person who rather hide their problems and not burden anyone e.g. family and friends because that's the sort of person i am.


I don't know really, does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong with me. Maybe im over emotionally stressed at the moment but i can't think why??


Any advice would be appreciated,




Inu Yasha

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I understand what you are going through. I would suggest you see a doctor until you can pinpoint why this is happening. Many years ago, just like out of the blue. I started getting dizzy and my heart would start to race driving over bridges. It was like an alien had jumped into my body. I was really freaking out because this was all very strange to me. I had to go to a doctor to get help. My family doctor sent me to a physcolist and found out I had a phobia. It ended up going away after I found what the cause was. I read up on phobias and they have a zillion different ones.

do yourself a favor and see a doctor.


good luck....keep me posted



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Thanks for replying i don't think that it's a phobia i don't mind being in groups of people or anything like that. The only phobias i have are hights and spiders but this it's like a can feel what other people are feeling and i also feel their pain in some ways it's unusual and also hard to explain but when im during lectures i have to get up and be excused from the lecture just to get some fresh air for about 10 mins and im fine after.


Im definitly sure that's not a phobia because im not afraid of it's just annoying sometimes and can make me ill even when im not.


Thanks ,


Inu Yasha

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Judging by the sound of it you have an ability which is known as "Empathy" which most people have it but there are others which are more intune with it. It's like a psychic ability you are picking up other peoples emoitions and your are going through all of them what ever the emoition is. Having empathy can make you ill and you can become depressed with it, you can either see it as a gift or a curse. You cannot get rid of empathy it's impossible but there are ways to control it, most common way is through meditation.


Hope this gives you some sort of idea,


All the best.


-[ kamui ]-

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It isn't anxiety, to have that you have to be worried about something. Im not exactly worried it's just annoying me, these feelings that i can feel which are not mine. I've look on the net for what the member kamui said and i found a page and im quite sure that it's that Emapthy is what i have. I mean when im at college and im around a group of people my moods can change instantly the same when im by myself. I have spoken to my doctor about it today and according to him he thinks that it might be stress but i have nothing really to be stressed about, the only thing that's got me down lately is that i have no gf. At the moment i don't really know what to think, a little confused but im sure as sure that it's not anxiety.


If you want here's a link that i found on what kamui suggested:


link removed


Thanks ,


Inu Yasha

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I'm a psychology minor. This term I am taking a course in abnormal psychology, in which we learn about anxiety and social disorders. Dude, it seems much more likely to me that you are experiencing mild anxiety disorder symptoms rather than "psychically tuning in to the emotions of others". Sure, that sounds cool, and it may result in getting some chicks to think you are interesting and sensitive, but really, do you believe it??


Now please, hear me out: Your symptoms could be a form of social pobia. Mind you, phobias can be very specific; instead of having a phobia of large crowds, you could have a phobia of large crowds in a formal, enclosed space (like in lecture). And phobias don't necessarily mean you are scared of something. I myself have a weird phobia of seeing violence in movie theaters. I'm not scared of the movie or the theater, but seeing excessive blood or injury on the screen causes a physiological reaction (panic attack) that makes me experience dizzyness and increased heart rate, and it all leads back to an event years ago that had nothing to do with movies. In your case, while you may not know what the cause of it is, something has led you to react in a negative way to these situations. IF it's a phobia. The fact that you experiencing on and off feelings of sadness could just be depression.


Anyway, something is causing you to experience mild panic attack symptoms. In any case you should go see someone about it. My University campus offers free psychological counseling to students. You should see if your college has anythig like that, it's a great thing to take advantage of. It's free! And believe me, they are professionals and they can help, even if just a little bit.


Also, I can understand that you would rather believe that you have psychic abilities than a simple physiological problem, but you have to be honest with yourself. If you really want this to stop happening, you should see a specialist about it.

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...Furthermore, on the subject of Empathy, the empathy doesn't have to mean a psychic ability to tune into the deep personal feelings of others. It could be that you are just a very sensitive, compassionate person. When you are in a group of your friends you react to their moods; if they seem sad you become sad, if they are happy you become happy, etc. When I was young I would cry and experience extreme distress whenever my brother was scolded, even if I was in another room. My parents thought it was strange at first, but I was just a very sensitive, empathetic kid. It's not such a strange thing. That site you linked to touched on it:


Empaths are highly sensitive. This is the term commonly used in describing one's abilities (sensitivity) to another's emotions and feelings. Empaths have a deep sense of ìknowingî that accompanies empathy and are often compassionate, considerate, and understanding of others.


Anyway, good luck dude.

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