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difference between dating and boyfriend/girlfriend

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This seems to be a little crazy confusing topic but I was wondering what all of you thought about 'dating' and 'bf/gf'. Recently I asked this guy that I've been seeing/dating/sexually/emotionally involved with for over 6 months where he saw our relationship. I asked him if we were exclusive and he said that he wasn't dating/sleeping with anyone else bc hes too busy with school/work/etc. He said that I could (no I wasn't getting at that). He said that he doesn't want to have a girlfriend because he doesn't want that to get in the way of getting his degree. We see each other at least once a week and talk a lot on phone/email/im. By no means am I defending him but I guess I could see where he is coming from that a gf would want to see him more and more etc and the unfortunate ex made him struggle with the school and relationship issue. I am falling for him and have been for a while. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. thanks and looking forward to your advice and will correspond more later if you have questions. thx

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The thing you need to understand is not what he wants. You need to understand what you want, apparently a relationship with him, and how to make him want the same or corresponding thing. Don't worry about what he says now, make him want you and want the relatrionship with you. Great advice you say, but how???


You need to provide him with the emotions that he wants to have from a gf, and does not. You need to get in his head, make him feel ways that he really wants to feel and then withdraw what you are doing, just withdraw, then turn it on, then turn it off. All the time, you should be remaining or acting, aloof, independet, vague about your feelings, desires and intent, AND NOT NEEDY or clingy, etc. He will want to get more and more of that emotional high you provide, he will come around for it more and more, he will grow dependent on it, and then you need to make him feel he needs to committ or he may lose you and that emotional high. If you can do it, a big if, he will be yours.

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