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"How to get your ex back" e-books-anyone read them?


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"These e-books, from what I understand, focus a lot on getting the ex to be attracted again, and there's an assumption that winning back the attraction means the relationship will be restored."


MANY of the books have the same theme. The common thread is that attraction comes from within YOU. When you love yourself, it shows. THAT is the answer. Start there.


Once you love you, it does not matter what people think or do.

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but I mean, I'm picky, I am also not attracted to books like "he's not that into you" or that other one with the ice cream container on the cover... they seem rather shallow to me. to each his own.



I think you are referring to "It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken" which does look shallow, but surprisingly is serious and helpful. A friend let me borrow her copy and in the end I bought my own after reading it once.


I don't like "He's Just Not That Into You" though because it really oversimplifies things and stereotypes both genders.

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I think you are referring to "It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken" which does look shallow, but surprisingly is serious and helpful. A friend let me borrow her copy and in the end I bought my own after reading it once.


I don't like "He's Just Not That Into You" though because it really oversimplifies things and stereotypes both genders.


thanks. that was the feeling / impression (saw him on oprah) I got from he's not that into you. Just the title is provokative...

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I bought the e-books.


The advice:


Do no contact

Wait for them to contact you

in the meanttime work on yourself

when they do contact, be aloof, mysterious and fun

She'll want you back. Good job.



One other has the same advice, but also recommends you use manipulative tactics to make you ex jealous.


Waste of money imo.

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