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A New Movement. LOVE TO HEAL PAIN.

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As a young college student, I have often wondered to myself how to make my life matter, make it count.


I've learned happiness doesn't come as an erasement of pain but with a replacement of love. Caring is authentic happiness. Childlike, sincere happiness is something we should maintain but we must also expand.


There are no steady answers, but there are three words interconnected that make life worthwhile: love, forgiveness, and God. It's up to you whether you want to decide if the God part of life is there. I am not here to argue that point. I am here so you can listen and hear my ideas.


The mess and chaos and pain and anger and resentment and depression stem from a single place in our hearts. And that is blindness. That's why it's so dark.


Open your eyes.


There are three things that will take the place of these human emotions and these are from the other side of the spectrum. They come from within and they ARE what I mentioned, what we must LEARN. It's not a feeling but also a learning, a doing, a being, a giving, a growing.


We are in a time of change, but only if you make it change.


  1. I will use Ghandi as the example of love.
  2. I will use more presently Immaculee Ilibagiza as the example of forgiveness.
  3. I will use Viktor E Frankl as the messenger of meaning if you are not satisfied with the answer of God. Again, this is not a religious debate. To me, in the simplist terms, in the simplist definition, God is the love in our world and it can always be found.
  4. I may also dwelve into Socrates.

Ghandi. He taught that when you are nonviolent and yet resistent towards evil at the same time, it stirs something in human nature that causes a decrease in hatred and an increase in respect. You need numbers for this to work, but he also taught that a minority of one was still necessary if speaking for the truth. Martin Luther King adapted such tactics to his own during the Civil Rights Movement. Such came great change from great truths.


~Our world is of suffering but there are greater truths at bay that can help us~


Ghandi also discovered that one should be ethical to the enemy or you become the enemy. He also taught that there was no real enemy. He would see the British off who oppressed his people in poverty as friends. He believed that one must not punish another for the weaknesses inside of us all. That type of fighting would not work. He wanted the type of fighting that would lead to change.


Through that notion, he developed a love for all humans and said three great things: "You must be the change you wish to see." "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." "Throughout history, the way of truth and love have always prevailed. There have always been tyrants and murderers" and that they have always been defeated. "Always and always."


That teaches you about fear and what to really value in this world and how to really fight. I highly recommend you see the movie made in 1982 about him. It changed my life so much and is so beautiful.


Immaculee Ilibagiza. She was born in to Rwanda. There she grew up with a loving, Christian family who had close ties with one another. They taught Christian values and lived them. Often they had people in need stay at their home.


A little history about Rwanda: The Dutch had colonized Rwanda and at that time in Europe, everyone had been interested in heritage. They divided the Hutus and the Tutsis in Rwanda and said one had a whiter heritage than the other. It escapes me presently which one. But they had one rule the other. Then, the two groups fought against each other and then the Dutch left. The peace had never been quite the same after the power struggle had occurred.


Immaculee had never been aware of this as a girl except in class when she would take role, the Hutus and Tutsis were labeled and then separated. She was picked on once for being a Tutsi.


Then, genocide occurred. It was the Hutus against the Tutsis who were almost all wiped out. Immaculee's father told her to hide at a church so she went. Her entire family was killed while she stayed hidden in the church bathroom with eight other women, they could not move or speak for fear of being found. They lived in awful terror.


Yet Immaculee prayed everyday and contemplated the words surrender and forgiveness. She had hate in her heart. She also picked up an English dictionary and taught herself English, thinking she could work in the UN when this was over.


After she came out of this, her and the group of women were told by the pastor to follow French troops who would lead them to safety. Instead, they were abandoned and by the grace of God, Immaculee led them to a refugee site. There, they were finally safe.


Immaculee went to work in the UN, wrote a book called LEFT TO TELL and visited Rwanda. She supports orphanages there and has taught the world a great many things.


Firstly, she visited the prison of the killer of her family. The guard took her in and yelled at the man to explain to her why he killed her family. She looked at the man and only felt sympathy. She told him, "I forgive you" then turned away. Later the man was questioned for the killings in a video interview and he said that it was greed, they were promised money and property for the killings.


At the orphanage, she said "if you really knew this orphan and who he was, you could not kill him.." She didnt understand what drove men to kill but she believed it was the devil, evil taking over their hearts. She realized also that ADDING ANGER AND HATE WOULD NOT HELP RWANDA. Rwanda had to heal and that was not the direction to go. She found the courage to love and forgive.


Now she helps many around the world also find the courage to forgive.


Viktor E Frankl. Perhaps you have heard of the book, MANS SEARCH FOR MEANING, perhaps you have not. But here is a holocaust survivor who speaks that stripped of everything, man can still have meaning. He can choose his attitude and how he faces his final moments. He also noted as a psychologist who know treats patients through use of logotherapy or "meaning" therapy, that those who survived were ones who had something to live for. It was their will to live that most helped them survive versus the others, and helped their chances- whether it was for completing a certain work, loving another, or to suffer for a cause.


Meaning changes for every season of our lives. In other words, every road has a reason of its own.


Socrates. It's better to suffer an injustice than commit an injustice. He was put to death for "corrupting the youth." Really, he never taught anything. He was following a divine sign to question people and to find wisdom through the usage of philosophy. An oracle once said that he was the wisest of all men. He then decided to prove that oracle wrong. He went to men who thought themselves the wisest and again and again, found out that they were not really wise. He went to politicians, poets, craftsmen and your everday individual regardless of wealth or status. He stated famously "that the examined life is the only life worth living" paraphrased quote. He lived in great poverty but startled the young into questioning authority too. He really did not teach any wisdom on his own. He instead proved how others were ignorant and whatever they did know was devalued by their pride in thinking they had all the answers. Socrates then realized that his wisdom came from knowing what he did not know, and to fully admit that. Since he saw his ignorance, he strived for more truth and asked more questions. That little bit of wisdom showed that man's wisdom is worthless, and the only real wise one among them was the one who knew what he did not know. Socrates.


In court, Socrates faced the jury and spoke of how he did not fear death. The only thing to fear was wickedness and that wickedness ran faster than death. Men who were good couldn't really be harmed in life or death. Your actions are you and by the light of truth can you only be condemned.


In regards to evil actions, he said that men only do wrong if they do not know what is right. It's an ignorance. So, here he mentions that knowledge and morality must go hand in hand. There he started philosophy. How do we know what is right? Through reason and logic, not JUST love. That's why he's made history.


He said most men place high importance on the things that matter the least and least on the things that matter the most. And in death, he will continue to question and challenge people though they will tire of him and get angry, like awakened from sleep unwelcomed.



If you care for the summaries of lives who changed the world I've mentioned, look into the actual lives. Learn to follow the ways of the greatest leaders and thinkers so you yourself may be changed. And you can live your life with love and forgiveness, neglecting resentment and anger and in turn, pain. To love changes your pain. To teach these truths of love, enables it further.

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A spiritual leader named Neale Donald Walsh also sayss:


I believe God wants you to know...

....that the struggle ends when the gratitude begins.


The search is over when the finding starts. And the

finding is not a finding at all, but a creating. You cannot

find what you have been struggling for, but you can

create it. And the jump-start of creation is gratitude.


Thank you, God, for helping me to know that all that

I seek is coming to me now. Thank you, God, for

allowing me to feel, right now, the peace that comes

with gratitude for what is, replacing the yearning for

what is not. Thank you for bringing me the understanding

that from the isness comes all that is now not, but will

surely be. Let me stay, then, in the isness.

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