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Taking a break...


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....from dating. I really think it is time to just do nothing considering finding a SO. No, I still don't and most probably never will believe in that famous "It will happen when you least expect it" so, all you firm advice givers who think that this is a utter truth, please, spare me....


What actually happened is that I'm tired. Tired of people and specifically tired of women. I am pretty sure I am not bitter (even if I am, who cares) but somehow at this point of time I can't accept all the quirks that come with dating and dealing with women in general so I think that it would be best just not to do it for some infinite amount of time.


I learned my share of techniques needed to "seduce" specific women more successfully, to be more open and assertive. To express what I want without fear. To joke around with them not really caring how would they react. To read dating books, to observe people behavior and social dynamics in front of me.


At the end of the day - if you don't have it naturally, it's a really hard work. Somehow at this point I am not sure it's worth it.


So I will also suppress my "dating" advices on this board and in real life....because it's just so meaningless.


Am I depressed at the moment? Yes, I would say I am. Drunk? A bit, yes. Being at the most boring place on earth? Definitely yes....

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I'm so sorry you think women are hard to deal with. I think men can be, also. I love the critters to death, though, and wouldn't dream of living without them. We don't have to completely understand each other, we just have to learn to play nice. Then the fun never stops and it's great!

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Yeah, but you'd miss out on a lot of great sex. In my book, no can do.


lol...yes the no sex was tough but after 3 months I was over it hahaha.


It really can be a wonderful thing - dating can be tough & more headache then its worth. Sometimes it is best to take a break.

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I'm on your side Pegasus...i'm taking a break from dating too. The dating world we live in today has me puzzled. Often times i find myself scratching my head as to why people are running away from love and commitment. Unfortunately however i have to disagree with "addictedblue". Love doesn't always come when you're not looking for it...it might happen to some of us but if you want to love and be loved...you have to go out there and find it.

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