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Nutrition and Exercise for a busy guy, any ideas?

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I work all day and have school all night. I've been having a hard time finding time to exercise. Along with that I find myself eating really bad food, mainly fast food. I'm sick of it!!


Does anyone have any suggestions for exercise and nutrition that a busy boy can use?


Websites? Books? Personal remedies? I'd appreciate any suggestions.


I usually go for a walk at night when I get home and I do have a weight bench with a few dumb bells. The only problem is I'm usually exhausted from my day to start a workout. But I'm very willing to hack it out for an hour, I just don't know what to do and what days to do it and what to eat to keep toned up.


I really need to start eating right first. I need to go to the grocery store and buy food instead of eating nasty fast food. But, being a bachelor I'm at a loss for what to get that's easy to make and healthy. PLEASE HELP!


I would also like to hear any suggestions that might help me tone up a bit. I have a good build but I need to tighten up.


Hopefully there are a few of you out there that can help me? I'm sick of eating fast food and would really like to start a work out program (without having to go to a gym, no time)


Please Help!! All suggestions and ideas welcome!

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hey...wow you sound like a buys man..and i have just teh right thing for u...well i hope it helsp anyway...ok, well obviously im not going to tell u to leave work to do push ups and sit ups at a gym, but wut i AM going to tell u, is to try to change some things in your daily schedule...first things first, FOOD, first of all DONT EAT JUNK FOOD, it is soo bad for you!, it has so much grease and colestorol, yuk! if your truly want to keep in shape you will make a promise to yourself to stop eating that junk!, instead, i recomend you buy, slim fast milkshakes, i know your not trying to loose wait, and slim fast, honestly does not do that, but it is GREAT for a healthy snack, insetad of some french fries and a coke, drink one of these milkshakes and you´ll really feel better, well in my case when i feel better when i have a protein shake in me than when i have greasy french fries....and, those shakes count for a WHOLE meal, so if your really in a hurry you can trade one or 2 of thsoe milkshakes, dpepnding your size and hunger for a whole hamburger and french fries!...next try instead of driving to the store next time..try walking...or go to work riding a bike..that way you´ll be exercising while going somwehre....and also with teh shakes, you wont be spending so much time going to a mc donalds and ordering your food and blah blah blah, which should give you more time to do some excersises...do sit ups and pushups..those r the main things, and it should tone your stomach and arms, which are the most popular places to have muscles in...and looks really good when u take your shirt off lol...i hope this all helped for u...bye!....PM me if u have any questions!

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I was gonna say...yeah, avoid the fast foods. Actually, fast foods smell really nasty sometimes. Like Big Macs. Just looking at it grosses me out.


But if you're constantly busy, and have to limit time on exercise/diet etc. (like everybody else), then I suggest picking out foods that are fresh and that you can carry with you throughout the day. I.E., cut out apples (or blueberry muffins/pound cake), and put them in the Zip-Lock containers so that they won't get smashed up i your back pack. Oh, and get a small igloo (ice-chest), and put it in your car, so that when you're on lunch break (at school/or work), you can store your fresh fruits/veggies.


Brocolli provides a high source for Calcium without added fat. Plus, you can store it in the igloo! You can buy those small containers and fill it with your favorite dipping sauce, like ranch, but limit the amount.


Also, when eating, try to use smaller plates/dishes/bowls/etc.

That way, your plate looks like it's full with food, but actually the portions kinda trick your mind into thinking that way. I don't understand how people can eat huge salad bowls, and then gulp down large portions of pasta, and then have desert all at the same time.


Basically, what I do is have to 2 main meals, one in the morning, and one in the mid-late afternoon. It keeps the fuel in your body the whole day. Your metabolism is at it's peak early in the morning when you first wake up. And have small munchies during the day. I to 2. Something like veggies/cookies/peanut butter sandwhiches. Other tasty, healthy snacks that I make are just cooked mushrooms/squash with oregano.


Just fry it in a small non-stick frying pan, with about 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil. Let the heat evaporate the juices of the veggies (although, you could potentially denature the nutrients, at least you're still obtaining a part of it). The natural juices of the vegetable makes it taste so good.


Try drinking green tea in the morning as well.

Hot water wakes up the nerves in your digestive track, so it keeps you awake and alert. When drinking tea though, don't use sugar. I like tasting the actual tea instead of the sugar.


You don't want to keep your diet bland though.

You should cut down on the use of butter/oil and substitute the flavors with spices and herbs. Like omlets, instead of using bacon as part of my breakfast, I'll cook my egss with tamarind powder, mix up my homemade salsa, and use bellpepper to accentuate the flavors so that you won't crave all the fatning stuff from bacon. instead of relying on bland/fattning foods, just be creative with your meals. Your stomach will be much happier, and fuller throughout the day. You won't crave as much food, and at the same time, you're eating healthier.


If you try international grocery stores, you can pick out your favorite herbs/spices from each culture.

I usualy buy the ones in the bags, and the put it into salt shaker containers. International spices taste good as well. Persian supermarkets also have a good blend of spices, like kabob spices for chicken/saffron rice. Mexican rice is good too! Thai spices work as well too! (ie tamarind powder).


Open yourself to more international spices, and you'll learn that you don't need to rely on butter, mayo, or oil & sweets as much.


Other alternatives to healthy snacks, I think are Greek foods like 'hummus,' which is easy to make. You can toast pita bread, and spread hummus over it. You can buy a can of garbonzo beans, mix it up in the food processor on the weekends, and make a cup full of garbonzo beans. It's also a very healthy althernative other than nocho cheeze.



I think whatever it is, you should keep variety of tasty palletes in your meals.

That way, your stomach will keep craving for healthy food.

It doesn't have to be a gourmet meal or anything,

Just keep the meals simple, and add a little spice to it!

For instance, anything that has a little tang, lemony taste. You know, whatever keeps your taste buds interested.

Tomatos are among my favorite fruits/veggies, because like in Itallian foods, it always leaves my pallete craving for more. I think that's what diet programs are lacking, 'flavor'. It's so bland that people get sick/depressed of eating it, so they resort to junk foods again.


(Oh, and don't forget the wines either. Cooking with wine adds to a lot of flavor. Instead of marinating your pasta with olive oil, add a little oil, and spice it up with red wine & garlic/basil.)


Whatever you do, stop yourself immediately when you make an attempt to pull up through the drive-thru window!!!


About the workout part

I hardly work out, except when I have to like aerobics class, but I'm not the type to workout hardcore (don't wanna be producing too much testosterone here ). If you're like that then maybe you should blast up your stereo to some of your favorite songs, and dance. That's what I do. It's fun b/c I get to shed excess fat off, while enjoying upbeat music. It helps to make me feel young too! Although, I do advise you not to head bang too much! You don't want to loose brain cells.


If you're not much of a chef, then try to. Instead of eating out, try cooking at home. It actually releases a lot of stress.

There! So that's what I do to maintain a healthy lifestyle, with least efforts!

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