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Am I Normal, have a Physical Health Problem, or have a Dysmorphia.

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I have huge issues with my appearance. I am an attractive person and always have been. But once I hit about 20 i having very very dry skin, and started to see the beginning of lines around my eyes and mouth, crows feet.


Now at 22 they are much larger, more of them, and becoming more bold. From a distance there not that visible, but if i am outside or light is on my face the texture is definitely there, When i smile ive got like four to five lines wrinkles around my eyes that form, and i can see the beginning of a new one coming soon.


I have aged quite alot in five years and it has done horrible things for my self esteem, energy level, and self worth, leading to depression that has gotten to the point of suicidal thoughts, basically this badskin, keeps me in a bad mood alot of my recent life. I cant think about much of anything else it seems. I am constantly obessed with my bad aging skin ahh!


Basically I would like to know if Anyone Else has fine lines on there face at my age, or crows feet when they smile, and if its Normal?

Also Do you guys think i have a dysmorphia, like anorexa, where i think it looks much worse than it is,?

Or could this be a real health problem that is causing me to age fast, do they exist.?


Thankyou so much for your responses

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Nobody's perfect, I think almost everyone dislikes a part of their body at one point or another in their life. Some look older and some look younger than their age. If you're depressed over this and it's leading to suicidal ideations, it would be best to seek the help of a physician who may better assess you, rather than those on the internet.



-Also, based on what you've said, I doubt you have anorexia. Those with anorexia are obssessed with being thin, they starve themselves, and avoid high-calorie foods.

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Ask your close friends & family members to be honest with you, if they noticed your "wrinkles" or thought you had more lines than most people.


You should see your Dr & ask them if they think you have more lines than normal. If so, they could refer you to a dermatologist who would help you with options.

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I've had those fine lines around my eyes since my early 20's. I smile a LOT -- I always have -- and since I don't like wearing sunglasses, I squint a lot too, and I'm sure that has contributed to the lines. Now, in my late 30's, they are more pronounced, but they don't bother me. They've never bothered me. I use a good moisturizer every night, and, thankfully, I have rather oily skin, so I don't have full-on wrinkles yet. I know I will, though, someday, and I'm OK with that. I've seen people MUCH younger than me with a lot of lines around their eyes. I think it's pretty common.


Honestly, I was never bothered by them, even in my 20's. Now, in my late 30's, I see them as evidence that I've smiled and laughed a lot -- and that's a good thing! The fact is, we are all going to age; eventually, we'll all have wrinkles, gray hair (and, in some cases, significant hair loss). You may think it's starting early, but it's really not.


As far as you having a dysmorphic issue, yes, I think you do, based on your description. You are far too young to be suicidal over something that is a totally normal part of life. Two suggestions: 1) Go to a dermatologist and discuss your concerns. Perhaps the doctor can prescribe something for your dry skin issue and reassure you about the lines. 2) Talk to a counselor/therapist. If you're feeling that bad about your appearance, you really need to talk to someone who can help you change your thinking. We all have flaws in our appearance, but if you're fixated on one perceived flaw to the point that it makes you depressed and disrupts your life, you definitely need to talk to someone.

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