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Well i've been going out with this girl for about a month. Things have been going absolutely perfect. Then all of a sudden the last couple days she started to act a little differently like something was wrong. Anytim i asked her what was wrong she would say nothing, but it was noticeable that something was. Then while we were cuddling and watching tv she seemed very distant. She kept turning away from me and hiding her face. Then the phone rang and she looked at the caller id and said she didnt want to talk to the person and didnt answer. The phone rang about 20 times before the person gave up. Then she seemed very depressed and called her friend but left the room to talk, which she has never done before. Then she came back and told me that she needed to go to her friends house to help her through things. Apparently she says that she wants our relationship to be perfect and have all past things cleared up and thought through. So i left and so talked to me later and said that she needs some time to think things through. The next day she emailed me and told me that she didnt know how things would turn out with her problem. Shw wont tell me what this problem is and its tearing me up. I assume it has something to do with her ex-boyfriend because apparently when he found out she had a new boyfriend he flipped out on her at school, then later called her house a bunch of times saying that he hated her ans hope she died etc. So i have a feeling that he's the person that called that night that she didnt want to talk. What should i do? She told me she has no feelings for him and wants to be with me and all her friends tell her to not think about going back to him. It could be another problem but i doubt it. We've talked and she said she didnt know how the problem will turn out and i fear that we wont be able to have a relationship. What can i do besides just wait?

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hi...the same thing happened with my best friend before..but what she did is she told him to choose between her and his ex-bf and i think thats what u should do..tell her ur my gf ur suppose to trust and tell me whats going on i might help but at the same time tell her to make up her mind and pick one of u guys!!!..but if she picked him try to live with it..i mean there r thousend of girls out there and i think u deserve a better girl!! becoz of what i saw..i dont think she loves u....sry!


hope everything goes well...



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