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Scared of graduating from college

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Hi y'all,


Well, I graduate this spring from college and already have a job after I get out. I've already taken all my hard classes and this semester everything is going on pretty smoothly. However, I feel sad and depressed as if I'm afraid to get out there and leave my college friends and I guess college in general. I've worked in this company before as a co-op, so I know how the environment is, I guess I'm just scared that I might be the only young person around or the pressures this job might ask for. My friends tell me to look at the good things of graduating, like having more time to do things (since chemical engineering didn't really leave us any time free at all), such as working out, doing things around the house... etc.... I mean... Is it only me, or is this a normal thing?



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I think that what your'e going through is normal. As humans, I think that 'change' is a hard thing to comprehend, but eventually we learn to adapt.


So you're going into chemical engineering? That's exciting! My cousin's finishing her pharm d. degree. After she's done, she plans on opening chains of Walgreens. I love her! She's only 24, and she's already freakin out. She's going through what you're going through, all except, she's all ready worried about her 'biological clock' ticking.


I'm barely halfway done, so maybe you can tell me how it feels once your out. I'm double majoring, so I feel like graduation is a 'miletsone away.' Is it normal to feel that way? I guess so, but it's depressing me. At least you're finishing!


Congrads though! You should feel proud now that you're finished. What you're going through is normal. Look on the bright side though, chemical/genetic engineering is the wave of the future. So, you've already set yourself on being financially stable career. Your career is at one of the future's promising innovations. So hats off to you! 8)

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  • 4 weeks later...

You'll be fine - what you're feeling is completely normal. If you were not somewhat sad to be finishing school, I would think you were abnormal. The ending of such an event is always sad - I still remember driving out to the freeway (to head home) after finishing my degree - and how sad I was.


Look at this as 'the next chapter' in your life. You've done well - chosen a good major, gotten a good job - believe me, you're miles ahead of most people. You'll have a blast.


Congrats and Good Luck!



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